[h2]Yoshikawa Miu[/h2] Miu seated herself opposite what was likely to be the closest thing to a challenge this war would offer--and even conceding to label Asami as a challenge was a stretch at that. She was good, which was inarguable, but she wasn't awe-inspiring. Her ability was an interesting one to look out for, however, and not something that could be copied and thrown back at her. A pity, then; simply showing her the full extent of real fire might be the appropriate way to demonstrate the vast gulf between 'good' and 'worthy of the Origin'. "No, she is not. Though we are familiar with each other through the institute she recently attended, today is the first time we have met in person," the white-haired mage said after a moment's pause to weigh up the correct (and unnecessary) way to avoid saying 'we're both involved with the same Circle'.