[@Gravislayer] [@MonsieurShade] [@CloseEnough] [color=ed1c24]"REALLY?? REALLY?? F***"[/color] Elysia swore loudly as the pack of Jaggi appeared out of nowhere and started to attack and devour her quest Kelbi. lead by a slightly larger Great Jaggi. A surge of frustration gathered in her body and she eyed the Great Jaggi with disgust. Kill the leader.. KILL THE DANGED LEADER. [color=ed1c24]"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGH!"[/color] She screamed at the Great Jaggi, another string of rather colorful swear words bursting from her mouth. The Great Jaggi raised its head as she stabbed on of its pack through the chest with her shift axe, twisting it around to protect herself from its sharp teeth. [color=ed1c24]"YOU MOTHER F****ING S*** FOR BRAINS DAMN A**HOLE OF A F***ING LIZARD!"[/color] The insults were just flying out of her mouth as she drove her axe into the head of the first Jaggi she'd pierced in the chest. She was so busy fighting the pack of Jaggi, and screaming insults, that she didn't even notice the three hunters off in the distance.