[center][color=9966cc][h1]James Wolfe[/h1][/color][/center] James took this time to watch everyone, he wasn't here just to recreate himself, he was here to make friends. Deep down inside James just wanted a real family, at the moment good friends would have to do. He already picked out one guy who he was definitely [b]not[/b] going to befriend. It was some jackass with white hair and yellow eyes. [color=9966cc]"What an asshole,"[/color] James said to himself, kind of hoping the guy would hear. Wolfe was in a fighting mood today I guess. Jamie doubted that the guy's abilities lived up to his obnoxiously large ego. To be fair this was all speculation so hopefully he wasn't always that annoying. James also noticed a girl that was taller than average smash into a poor short fellow. The reaction was quite hilarious to Wolfe. Since when did height become such an intimidating factor? James had no doubt that there were shorter people here that were stronger than him. The Scarlett Sage was one example of that. It had taken him a while to recognize her but now he was almost positive that she was the world's strongest mage. He had heard a lot of stories about her, especially about her skills as a Chaser. James admitted that she would probably be a good teacher. James turned his attention to a Youkai who said that Chasers were valiant protectors. Truthfully, James was always a little suspicious about the Youkai, seeing what the more vile ones do to people tends to give the good ones a bad rep. Jamie finished his cigarette and let it drop from his fingers to be stomped out by his shoe. The last thing he needed was an account of accidental arson on his hands. Actually on second thought, he was actually kind of nervous about being in a new place, literally on his own for once. James pulled out another cigarette and lit it with his lighter. Inhale, nothing like nicotine to calm his nerves. Some people said that smoking kills you, but not James. He just shifted his lungs into a more durable material. The cells that made up his organs were significantly stronger than other humans. So, not only could he smoke freely but he suffered no ill effects from it. Either way it was still a bad habit he had to admit, but fuck his flaws. James was drawn out of his thoughts when a cute little pink haired girl spoke up and said what seemed to be the true definition of a Chaser. She seemed to know her stuff. No one else really stuck out to the Wolfe, but hopefully he could manage to make some friends. He could be charming when he wanted to be, right? On another note he kind of wished their instructor would hurry up and tell them what the fuck a Chaser was.