[center][img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/image_zpsb5bf925b.jpg] ~[i]"I want to see your animal side"[/i]~[/center] Everyone in Westridge calls it Death Valley. No one knows that some call it home. Deadly beings live in Death Valley. They thrive on the fact that the humans "sacrifice" some of their women. They just don't realize that the women are alive and in love with the monsters they were to be killed by. It's around that time and the monsters have become much more picky on who the humans are to fall for. They even made a few rules concerning this phenomenon: [quote] 1. You must not let them escape or they will die. 2. If they die, you will be punished for murder. 3. Make them fall in love with you. 4. Have an eye on them at all times. 5. The people to have the humans are to be chosen in the Decision Ceremony and the human will be delivered during said ceremony. [/quote] What happens when the humans are more than even the monsters can handle? [hider=Death Valley] Death Valley is at the bottom of a deep valley that is crawling with supernatural creatures. No one in the small town next to it that the valley has anything living in it. Anyway, back to how Death Valley is set up. Death Valley has a small town that replicates the town above them, but there isn't a beach or much sunlight so they are pretty pale. The town does have a pool, but the swimmers... lack swimsuits. The shops surround a fountain of a short man that created the town. The shops include everything anyone would need and a little more. Can anyone say a shopholic's dream? The houses are behind the small town and set up where the closer to the town they live, the poorer they are. [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1. The basic rules apply here: keep it PG-16, no auto-hitting, no god-modding, etc. 2. Stay in Character in the IC. Don't change your personality all of a sudden. 3. My word is law, meaning I can go in and change it. 4. The races are ONLY lycans, vampires, demons, and shapeshifters. PLEASE PM ME IF YOU WANT SOMETHING ELSE. [/hider] [hider= Characters So Far] Humans (Females)- 1. Savi 2. Lyra 3. Kitty 4. Sophie 5. Sapphire Supernaturals (Males)- 1. Gossip 2. Me Da 3. Truely 4. Scara 5. Corrupt [/hider] [hider= Character Sheet] -Appearance- Name: Age: Race: Personality: (no TBR) Biography: (no TBR; if human, please explain how you got to the Decision Ceremony) Supernatural/human partner: (this is a decision between everyone: do I choose for everyone or do you guys choose) [/hider] [hider= My Character] [center][img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/image_zps73d45aa5.jpg][/center] [center][b][i]{Faeya Davis||17||Human}[/i][/b][/center] [center][i]~Personality~[/i][/center] Faeya is a very determined girl. She doesn't like to give up or be told what to do. She frequently does the opposite just to prove that she wouldn't listen to them. Sometimes it backfires but that's only if someone finds out her weakness. She is shy about her body and she often doesn't find herself pretty. This effects the way she interacts with men... or lack there of. She is definitely not a flirt, but she can if she has a plan to get out. She's strong willed and very courageous, but she's sensitive to somethings and is not one to be fooled. [center][i]~Biography~[/i][/center] Her parents were unstable when they had Faeya. The hospital, against their policy, called social services and took Faeya away. This only did more damage. Faeya ended up in a home where it was survival of the fittest. Faeya learned very quickly how to survive, though her thick-headedness made her rebel often. Her foster siblings were no help either. They beat her relentlessly if she stepped slightly out of line in their standards. At the age of 8, Faeya joined a gang with her foster siblings out of force. Horrible things were done to her to be inducted into the gang, but the teen gang found out that her foster siblings lied so she could be in the gang. The gang murdered two of her foster siblings and she was kicked out. Faeya grew from that and decided not to let anyone push her around. She soon met Dawn, her best friend, when Dawn moved into the house. When she was about 10 years old, she lost her best friend due to one of her foster brothers selling drugs on the wrong side of the street. Dawn wanted to be something and be someone, not to grow up like Faeya was raised to think she was to grow up: a drug addict and homeless. Faeya, determined to do something in memory of her friend, decided she wanted to be a therapist. Faeya became a huge bookworm, always studying and working hard so she could get to where she wants to go. In fact, she was called out of the library and taken to a helicopter. They told her that she was chosen to tour a prestigious college until she was handed a parachute and shoved out of the helicopter and into Death Valley! Faeya had no clue that she would actually land in a small pond. When she did land, a group of people fished her out and tyed her up before taking her to an auditorium much like the one at her school. [center][i]~Supernatural partner~[/i][/center] (this is a decision between everyone: do I choose for everyone or do you guys choose)[/hider]