Full name: [s]Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan[/s] Beast Boy Appearance: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/juniorjusticeleague/images/9/9f/BeastBoy.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120505204152[/img] Team: Young Justice Brief Bio: As a kid, Garfield lived with his parents in Africa. Garfield contracted a rare illness which is lethal to every species except for the West African Green Monkey. His father (who was a scientist working on a serum to reverse evolution) used an untested serum in the attempt to change him into a West African Green Monkey for 24 hours so the disease would die out. Effectively saving his life. However, the serum mutated Garfield, turning his hair and skin green and granting him the ability to shape shift into any animal of his choice. His parents later died in a boating accident, which Garfield blames himself for to this day. He falls on tough times, where his new guardian attempts to kill him. Thankfully, the Doom Patrol impedes his guardian's efforts and as a thanks, Garfield joins their team and takes the name Beast Boy. However, the doom patrol was destroyed in a series of accidents, leaving Beast Boy deeply affected by their deaths.