[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/miB972F.png?1[/img][/center] [center] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]Seven Swords, Kurenai[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kBsEKOK.png[/img] [/center] Well, that was most interesting up to now, observing the others' reactions, that is. Such a bunch of clueless kids (some much older than the rest)... Kurenai really felt like laughing when she overheard the guy who talked about her as if he knew something. Let he think whatever he wishes to, Kurenai has no use, or will, to prove or not her skills to anyone here. Crowley taught her well, that's all she needed to know. A few seconds later came both a girl dressed in thorn clothes and cuts over her skin, as if she had fell on the rose bushes outside, which was very likely true. She answered the Senior Instructor's question with over the top enthusiasm that almost made Kurenai facepalm. Couldn't she see that it was a rhetoric question and that most likely the answer was not a good one? Smarter was the Youkai that came after, [i]"a female ox demon? It's not everyday you see one of those."[/i] Kurenai wondered as she noticed that the pink spirit was eating some bread, instead of spending her time on useless discussions. Still, there was something about that instructor that left Kurenai thinking. Almost as if she... knew that woman from somewhere, though it was not possible. Eventually, Kurenai chalked it off to a half memory of something Crowley might have told her and put it aside. Soon after, she removed her hood, using her prosthetic hand, but remained quiet, only ever sparing the time to cast a look over those beside her. If they had anything they wanted to say, they could as well begin the talk, not? Otherwise, Kurenai preferred the silence. [center] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]Senior Instructor, Reiko Asamiya[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/M7gKe7x.png[/img] [/center] Reiko's expression didn't changed in the very least after listening to the answers they were shooting at her, if nothing else, it only looked like her eyes grew colder and less human, especially after the smart one that thought that he could make fun of her. Were this any other situation, Reiko would have dispatched of this fool even before he finished his trash talk, but not now, not today. What was in store for these... walking headaches would be her final judgment and even if they survive it, time to work her reprisal afterwards was a thing she would have plenty of. "Then again, not everyone can be like..." Reiko sighed before taking a breath and getting ready to speak again. If the applicants were smart, they would know it was time to be silent. "Wrong, all of you", Reiko said dryly, "the answer is-" [center] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]Absinthe Red, Ellie B'herit[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Rl0G96a.png[/img] [/center] "A miserable little pile of killings, of course! But enough talk... Have at you!" A cheery voice said from just above everyone's heads, a little before a young woman who looked like a demon (a succubus, to be exact) landed right behind Reiko and put her hands on the Senior Intructor's shoulders, as if giving her a massage. "You are awfully tense today, Rei-chan, we should let this tension go before someone dies, not?" The devil girl chuckled, after listening to Reiko's groan. Even he famed Scarlet Sage wasn't a match for a Ellie's hands and that she knew that all too well. After dealing with Reiko's anger, Ellie turned to the applicants with a radiant smile in her face, before saying, "Welcome ladies, gentlemen and..." Ellie made a brief pause and shot a suggestive look to the crowd of would be students, before resting her eyes on Gil's general direction (perhaps she was wondering if his big "thing" was overcompensating?) and continuing, "hotties! I'm your one and only lovely Assistant #01, Ellie B'herit, but you can call me Absinthe Red ([i]beware, though, I pack quite a punch~[/i]). I'll be helping you with all your needs while here at Akatsuki, so please, ignore that shameless imitator." "Anyway, I guess it's about time for the main figure to present herself, right, Master?" Ellie said as she pointed to the doors behind her and Reiko, though no one seemed to be coming out of them, "Ara, Master? Where are yo..." Ellie began to say as beads of cold sweat formed on her brow. [i]"Damn, I forgot to wake her up, again? Well, what's done is done. And if I'll get punished either way... at least I'll have some fun, first. As they say, just wing it."[/i] Ellie whispered to herself before chuckling at her own bad pun. [center]• • •[/center] "Ok, it seems something went wrong with the plans, students. So, I'll give you the big news. Ain't I the best?" As Ellie turned back to the students, the smug smile in her lips made it look like she was orders of magnitude more haughty than she truly is. "Thing is, that none of you have been accepted yet and... our VIP rooms and five stars full course meals are only for the students and staff, so... you're all going to sleep here tonight and have packed bento for dinner~" Ellie gave off what might as well be the most shameless smile in recorded history, before continuing, "But fear not, your entrance exam will be tomorrow at two a.m., I hope you have a nice night~" "Now, Rei-chan, let's go. I got that mocaccino you love ready for you. Also, we got another letter from Master Sol and Eva that you might like to read." Ellie said as she lured Reiko like a master angler who knew exactly what bait to use to catch what fish. Soon enough the two crossed the doors which locked just behind them as a thick cover of rose vines covered it. The last thing to be heard of them was Reiko's muffled voice saying "You better not be lying about Sol and Eva, you know?"