Roland noticed the glares and the comments of the other hunters but tended to ignore them, it was personal, too personal for some hunting companions he just met the day before. He grunted that he was fine and let it be. Sure it was stupid to let emotions influence him during a hunt but Roland quickly regained his old self. It was now the great Jaggi and the pack around which completely consumed his cautious and mind. He was now fully in hunting mode and directly weighting the pro and contras of fighting either the pack, it's leader or both and that even before Reema offered him help to climb the stoney ledge. It was a short climb and left Roland's a bit huffing, the big weapon restricted his movement while climbing just enough to make it a noteable exercise, so he stuffed some dried meat in his mouth as he crouched down to see the pack in the far distance. [color=39b54a]"If we slay the pack without the leader, the great Jaggi will quickly gather smaller ones around him. It will bring peace for a short time, either if another pack takes over or he regained his pack size."[/color] The words of Roland were only disturbed by the occassional munching on the dried meat and what he uttered was just simple book knowledge but none the less important. [color=39b54a][color=39b54a]"If we slay the leader, the pack will undoubtedly scatter. So both decisions, in my opinion, would full fill the contract. It gains the village a short pause of Jaggi attacks but personally I would root out the great Jaggi and parts of the pack. With the Aptonoth in breeding season we would so offer the pack some protection and greater wyvern some food sources without the need for them to prey on a near village or farm"[/color][/color] Roland shrugged, it was obvious that he was for hunting both but it was a group decision.