[center][color=cf5300][h2]Sona Penetierre[/h2][/color] [color=cf5300]Location:[/color] The Tavern outside world [color=cf5300]Interacting with:[/color] Alto, and technically everyone[/center] Sona was finally outside and she was finally prepping everything up outside. She cannot ride horses or anything of the sort, but she can sing while the others are travelling. That would be the right thing to do in Sona's opinion. Getting everything ready she tweaked her harp once more and coughed lightly as she saw the others [color=cf5300]"Time to go..."[/color] Sona said to herself as she finishes tweaking her harp and places it in her hand so she can sing songs and entertain the others. Alto chirped and the bard sighed before going into some sort of pouch and feeding her bird companion with berries for him. Luckily he ate them all so Sona didn't have to struggle with placing the rest of the berries back into the pouch thing. As soon as everyone started heading off, Sona followed and played her harp along the way for the others. So the place wouldn't be at all silent and everyone would be feeling cheerful and not tiring at all: considering the fact that the song was upbeat and didn't sound depressing in any means.