[center][h2][color=DarkOrchid]Maya Ramos[/color][/h2] [h3][color=#ffb5c5]"So long to our opponents killer liner."[/color][/h3][/center] Well, this was quite the shit show. There was some insane fuck talking about miserable piles of secrets, and it appeared the instructor was already about to lose her cookies on all of them. Sounded like a good time. She moved around in the crowd, deciding to stand next to the insane kid. At least he seemed interesting. How old was he, anyways? Too young. Damn. Either way, Maya paid attention to the demon-looking woman that flying around. At least she was cute, actually. Cute as fuck. Ellie, was it? Maya stored that information away for later. Gotta put the moves on [i]somebody[/i] while she's here. Maya's eye twitched as she heard they were going to sleep out here. On this shitty, stone floor. In the middle of fucking nowhere. With a bunch of people she didn't really give a shit about. And she was eating shitty food. And she was waking up at 2 a.m. This... was bullshit, actually. Maya felt like she was going to have a fucking aneurysm and a panic attack at the same time. She had no way to defend herself from all these god damn people. Maya decided to outlet her fear in a nice, constructive way. "This is bullshit! I had to walk for fucking miles just to get here, and we don't even get to fucking sleep in there? Do you know how many people have back problems?! Too fucking many! My parents will sue the shit out of you all if anything happens to me! Do you even fucking know who I am? I can't sleep in these fucking conditions! Get back here!" Yeah, you go girl. Maya continued to scream long after Ellie and Reiko left, considering it was one of two outlets of her fear. The other one was crying and acting like a baby, and Maya really wasn't about that life. That was for weak babies, and for people who weren't strong enough. She was strong enough, though. Maya sighed after a while, her voice almost blown out. She looked over at the kid next to her, raising an eyebrow. She could fight him, at least. Probably. Unless he was like, 30 and just really tiny. Oh god, what if everyone here was like, adults? What if she was the youngest? "How fucking old are you, twerp?"