[u][center][h3][color=red]~Null~[/color][/h3][/center][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/ipBatLz.png [/img][/center] [hr] Maya, Maya, Maya….the loudmouthed one with the string of curses to her breath. Out of all the new students, she was the one that seemed the most interesting. Sure there was the tall guy with yellow eyes and white hair spewing his arrogant nonsense, but Null felt like he would have just speared the guy through rather than playing with him. And he knew how much his master, the Head Director herself, disliked him skewering new students. Who to choose, who to choose? There was that weird guy who was claiming all things were borne of science…he’d be fun to mess with. Then the smoking boy, who, really shouldn’t be smoking in such a complex. Then there was that pink-haired girl who actually said the right answer to Reiko’s question earlier but no one seemed to care. A shame, but it was only to list a few of the gathered students. Still, [url=http://i.imgur.com/FLa0NVq.jpg]Null[/url] needed someone to mess with and it just so happened to be the loudmouth with the problem with swears. No hard feelings right? It didn’t even matter that her anger towards Reiko and Ellie had already dissipated, her body turning to the one next to her. Oh well. He was upon her in a moment, his arm resting on her shoulder and acting as a…well, an armrest. He brought a finger to his lips and smiled down at her before making a “shh” noise. The feel of something cold and sharp would be felt upon her neck, the edge of his sword. He snickered in response to whatever she would say. Hey, Aria didn’t say he couldn’t scare the living shit out of people, did she? [hr] [center][@Mysaren][/center]