Another figure edged awkwardly in. She... she wasn't late, right? She was trying not to be late... Anna took a deep breath as she edged further into the room, looking around. Well, almost everyone seemed here already, but they weren't playing anything yet, so... that meant she wasn't late. She really just wanted to be able to have fun and enjoy herself with her friends and all... Taking another deep breath, Anna opened her mouth to speak. "Um... hi, everyone," she said, shuffling into the room a little further as she did. She was kind of excited, too, really... she wanted to play something really fun with everyone, but, well... she was always a little nervous about trying to suggest a game, she had to be honest about that. Anna waved to her friends as she entered the room... and stood there awkwardly. She was... also kind of nervous about just sitting down, really... what if someone else wanted to sit there? Anna was really rather nervous in general, really. But she was moreso, now, mostly because of her excitement about playing games with her friends. She knew she just needed to relax, but it wasn't always easy to do that. ---- And... then another girl entered. However, she was far less focused on what was going on around her. Or at least, it seemed like that. No, Serena was instead focusing on her Nintendo DS. Currently she was doing another run of one of the Kirby games, Super Star Ultra. And that required her attention for a few moments longer. It wasn't time to pause, not yet. She just wanted to finish up this one section before doing anything else. However, talking to people wasn't much of a distraction. She didn't have to focus on it much at all. Without looking up from her DS, the tiny girl gave her greeting. "Hi," she said, her tone flat and utterly deadpan. And that was that. Well... almost. Finally having finished the section of Super Star Ultra game, Serena paused her game and looked up. There was... well, everyone she had met at that convention. She'd cosplayed as Reimu, thinking back to the event. It had been entertaining enough, really. If she hadn't taken a liking to any of these people she wouldn't have shown up. She knew Alexis the best, though she'd spoken to all of them plenty of times. Usually while playing a game. However, one thing caught her eye in particular. "..." Serena stared at the Xbox One box for several moments. And then... "Oh. You didn't have to go dumpster diving just for us." With that, she looked back to her DS, unpaused her game, and swiftly sat down on what she claimed to be the most comfortable spot in the room.