[center][h2][color=fff200]Lloyd Lombardi[/color][/h2] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Lloyd_zps2wqk7m1y.png[/img][/center] [color=fff200]"Ahhhhh,"[/color] sighs Lloyd to himself as he steps inside the Academy's gates, stroking his chin, [color=fff200]"Akatsuki old friend, we meet at last."[/color] This was only his first year partaking in the Academy and already his mind was racing on what mischief he can possibly do this year. Maybe pull a few pranks here and there, but what kinds? Let someone slip on a banana peel? Nah, too basic. Create a fight for some hot-headed bitches to kick their asses? Eh, possible. Hijack an announcement? Hmmm, thats another possibility. However, Lloyd should keep quiet for the time being, to make himself look good and all. I mean, there's already a few disgusted and annoyed faces looking at him already, and he didn't even make a comment to any of them. Hell, even a teacher just walked by with a glare that could kill. Then again, what does he care? He basically grew up on such behavior ever since he was a child. As he walks in to the Auditorium where there was supposed to be an intro announcement, all he hears was talking and chaos throughout the entire place. He already knew he was late, but at least the chaos can help him sneak into the crowd and seem like he entered from the very beginning. For the minute while it lasted, he walks down the hall, flicking people's heads as they were talking amongst themselves, bro-fisting a few friend's fists, "accidentally" knocking into a few people, and just fitting in with all the chaos. Fun fun times. [@Mysaren][@TheWindel] However, as soon as he was sitting down and getting comfy, everyone quieted down as Ellie came on stage. She was someone Lloyd can relate too greatly. She seems to also be a up-top and positive little mischief maker, as well as making comments that everyone either groans and gets pissy-wissy at. He rarely got a chance to meet up with her before, but regardless he remembers why she likes her in the first place. Yet soon, it was finally over. Well this was kinda fun if you'd ask him, even though it was sorta a waste of time. Regardless, he gets up and heads back to his hotel room, but not until over-hearing a conversation between a girl student, who happens to be Maya, and a male student, Null. [i]"How fucking old are you, twerp?"[/i] Ehhhh. This girl was a little too high on the serious meanness for him. Sure, he can be pretty mean as well, but it isn't exactly "too serious", if ones knows what that means. Then again, he loves to bother hot-heads like her, so this will be quite hysterical, even if he gets punched in the face. So as he passes by, he just makes a little ol'e remark. [color=fff200]"Awwww, someone too insecure about their age? And I thought it only had to do with breasties."[/color] He then snickers to himself about that comment as he continues walking out of the room.