[center][color=9966cc][h1]James Wolfe[/h1][/color][/center] Well, today looked like it was going to be a total bust. A little seductive looking Youkai was a bringer of bad news to the new "recruits." It seems that the administration had left out that the applicants here weren't actually accepted into Akatsuki Academy. It seems that he had been tricked. Not only were they not accepted yet but there was going to be a test to determine if they were accepted or not! Determination sparked in his eyes, it looked like was going to have to put some effort into this. He refused to go back to the old life he had, he [b]needed[/b] to attend this academy. Whatever the cost. So, what now? Were they just going to sit here for the rest of the night and try and get some sleep or try to make friends? In an academy like this with so many violent people it was probably a good idea to make friends and allies. Jamie would probably regret trying to stay up and make conversation instead of getting some needed sleep to prepare for the rough morning ahead. Lets see, if it was seven o' clock right now, if he fell asleep around nine or ten he could get four or five hours of sleep. Shit, he was going to be a mess in the morning. Did they expect him to perform well in that kind of condition? He wasn't a morning person in the slightest, shittier shit. The foul mouthed, brute of a girl spoke up again. This time, she was [b]not[/b] happy. She was spouting off about how highly regarded her family was and how she was going to sue the school. To James it seemed like a lot of angry bullshit that she would never follow through with. Just as he was going to pipe in about how annoying this whole situation, [color=fff200]Lloyd[/color] shoved his way past James as if he was in a hurry to get somewhere. Wolfe couldn't help but snap at him, [b][color=9966cc]"hey watch it, asshole!"[/color][/b] The guy seemed to be skilled in starting trouble. He definitely disgruntled a few people already. He even took a jab at the hot-headed girl, God, did he want to get hit? James had to tell himself to calm down. They had to sit here for seven more hours, the last thing they needed to do was waste energy on fighting.