[quote=@The Omnipotent Sphere] [@Legion02] I had something lying around that might be an interesting concept for your avatar: [url]http://alecyl.deviantart.com/art/14-584173452[/url] (Minus the bones and skulls, unfortunately). [/quote] I'm saddened that I haven't found this earlier. Because I'd definitly make him like that. However, I am lazy. There for I won't be changing my description. Still, thank you very much! [quote=@Double Capybara] Seesh. Okay here we go. The well is obviously the name of all the gods in different "languages" I always used "each god uses a different code" as a point in most of my settings and since on this one was literally written into existence it was extra fitting. For example, Ilunabar's divine language is written in a bit of the text and on her name too. (Side note: The code in question is called Hymmnos and is used for song magic in the game Ar Tonelico, this has literally nothing to do with Ilunabar) I won't lie, most of the languages were picked on "the fell" that the god gave me, like Sumerian cuneiform for The Adversary or Greek for Logos. Then I circled trough some cool geometric patterns until I found something that gave me a "fate" feel. I literally know nothing but the looks of the other god so I just picked a cool shape :/ I can't talk about the flower language right now. But they are linked to a couple of gods. The red stuff is a fractal. I don't even need to say who it is about right? [/quote] May I ask which language Reathos has and which 'symbol' he has on the wheel?