[@Gravislayer][@MonsieurShade][@Draconequis] [color=92278f]"Aright, lets go around for now than, circle back, find some more advantage points and hit them after we looked around a bit more."[/color] She was about to turn around, every move as quiet as she could make it, with her head ducked down she mentioned them to follow to see if their was a way around them from here. Yet her hear stopped when she heard chaos below her, a woman screaming at the jaggi she turned back, hands on the ground and eyes wide to see a smaller woman welding a hunter's hammer with furry.[color=92278f] "What in the world?"[/color] The jaggi scattered yet the leader was already calling for more, worry on her features at the display she looked to her hunters to try and figure out if they were seeing the same thing. The beast snapping and giving out it's dog like cries it began to twist it's body, using it as a battering ram right towards the young woman. [color=92278f]"I think our choice was already made for us. I can get him away from her, she may be a spit fire but going like that is bound to make some mistakes."[/color] She was already unsheathing her blades, a glare in her gaze for a moment at the scene below only to take a quick breath and shake her thoughts. No, her father trained her better than that, never go on the battle filed with a angry mind. [color=92278f]"Well. lets see how well we work together, may our blades stay true."[/color] Going back to the ledge she began to slide down, oh how she wished she had some time to make a plan before going against that thing but she had no choice in the matter. The huntress was going to get herself killed if she didn't get some help. Even though Reema was large, square shoulders and built like a tank she was surprisingly nimble. Rolling out of the way in the dirt she gave the beast one quick slash before rolling out from under it's tail. Running to the right she offered herself up as bait. Watching the beast make his way to her only for her to roll again. Moves smooth, quick and agile yet it only meant that the blows she gave were not nearly as damaging as something like a great sword. The rush of battle began to flow through her veins, a calculating glint in her eyes yet it shined with the rush of doing what she loved. Seeing the huntress she worked with the beast, a dance through the caverns she could hear the smaller jaggi call out as she coaxed his back end towards the axe wielder. [color=92278f]"His tail, get it!"[/color] It's all she was able to say before she brought up her blades in a X over her body, feeling the force of his head bashing into her abdomen yet she stood her ground and slid a few feet, shaking it off as she felt her heart pounding a mile a minute.