Roland had to blink a few times to realise what was happening below. The scenery quickly changed as the pack closed in a young huntress who was more swinging her weapon than actually using it, sooner or later the Jaggi would do some serious damage to her. Reema was already on her feet to help the young huntress and Roland dived in after. He was smiling, weirdly he was smiling! [color=39b54a]"What happened with 'I tend to watch a beast for a few days to a week before we move on them though.'"[/color] Roland tried to imitate Reema's voice as he remembered what she said yesterday and it was surprisingly well, if you leave out the deep bass like voice of Roland but a solid 5 outta 7. He just remembered it since she gave him 'the look' as he described his rather rash way of hunting to her. It was funny how quickly she threw over her principles for someone she never met and so could not trust but this was probably only his usual human hating manner which gave him that thought. It went rather well, he got a hunt like he loved it. A shriek sounded as Roland threw himself off the cliff, using the bagpack as as kind of sledge and the scale armour of his arms to control the short and fast slide downwards. The heavy weapon didn't allowed him any other way down since it would hinder his equilibrium. The dirt and sand clenched into the scales of his Jaggi armour and Roland took took a mental note to clean it as soon as rossi he returned to the village. He hit the ground but landed with his feet first and his gunlance ready to fight. It was a weird and painful way down, but an effective one. A second, already too much for Roland's taste, took it to recognise what happened. Reema tried to bring the Jaggi in a pincher between her and the unknown female huntress, further smaller Jaggi are entering the cavern while some others regained as they heard their reinforcements coming closer. Jaggis are rather aggressive but also easily to scare without a pack leader. Roland decided to fence off some of the pack to allow Reema a fight without disturbance, such a weapon like his would only get in the way since she Reema needed much space to act so agile. With a short sprint Roland was at the first Jaggi, he used a slow stab and the small creature doged it by an inch, just the way Roland wanted it to be. The creature tried to close the gap with a quick launch but was instead deadly suprised as an explosion send it flying instead. The gunlance glowed in inactive slight red from the sudden released heat. Two other Jaggi closed in as the third one, who was hit by the shot of the gun Lance stood up. They tried to close him in and Roland let them. As the first launched he did a quick step to the side and used the heavy blade of his axe to bring bring a swift end to the creature. The blade now stuck in the neck of the dead Jaggi and so being pulled to the gound, the second hoped for it's chance and closed in from the body of his dead kin as the third closed in for Roland's right side. He used the trigger of the gun Lance and shot the first Jaggi, the explosion knocked him off the feet and leaved it crippled but living. The second bit at Roland and he shifted his position a bit, offering the Jaggi his heavy armoured side. The Jaggi took the offered side and nd bit into Roland's arm, who still hold the axe with it. Bone met Scale and flesh was bruised as the long jaw completely enclosed Roland's arm. Only the armour and the loosely attached shield saved Roland's from a serious injury and he knew that, in fact he counted on that. Quickly he grabbed his knive with his free hand gutted the poor Jaggi swiftly yet effectively. Few wou,dass know but when biting it's prey most wyvern, no most and niemals are closing their eyes to prevent damage. It would also mean that they wouldn't see such an attack coming. As quickly as he drew his dagger, it also vanished. [color=39b54a] "Oi huntress! Maybe they are mistaking your firey language as calls for help because there are coming more and more of them" [/color] He yelled over the sound of Jaggi cries and the roaring of battle towards the young huntress. With a yank Roland pushed the now dead Jaggi away and also freed his gunlance from the corpse of the other. He regained stance as he held his weapon crossed before his body, the heavy axe blade over his right shoulder and tilted towards his front, the stance of an executioner, as he awaited further attacks of the small beasts.