[center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Dominique%20Saunders&name=Garton.ttf&size=75&style_color=26AFFF[/img] [b][h3]&[/h3][/b] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Tristan%20Saunders&name=Champignon.ttf&size=75&style_color=204F05[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 5:45 - 6:33 P.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Saunders Residence & The Beach Party. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Analise & Lakskya-[@Aewin] | Audrey -[@Dirty Pretty Lies] | Jackson & Lilith -[@Wintergrey] | Alexandros -[@Altered Tundra] | Troy -[@Universorum][hr][/center][center]Tristan waited for Lilith and waited until she finally emerged from the home and got into his car. [color=204f05][b]"About time."[/b][/color] He joked then laughed as she mentioned that she had lost her sock. [color=204f05][b]"You're not wearing socks to a beach party."[/b][/color] Tristan commented while pulling out of the driveway and heading towards the beach nearby. [color=204f05][b]"So, I told my sister to be a little nicer to you and I can't wait to see how this goes."[/b][/color] Tristan told Lilith as after a few minutes of driving, they were at the beach but before they got out, his gaze turned towards her. [color=204f05][b]"I really like you Lilith and I'd hate to see someone of Domi's caliber destroy you."[/b][/color] Which was a common fact because Dominique has been known to destroy even the littlest reputation someone has had. Dominique leaned against the bar, looking at Jackson as she rolled her eyes. [color=26afff][b]"I'll pinch you alright."[/b][/color] She muttered while hearing his next words, accepting the drink and smiling up at him. [color=26afff][b]"Oh, Jackson, it is a unique sight but he's a newbie around here, obviously. My kindness is not a weakness, sweetheart."[/b][/color] Dominique winked towards him then took a sip of her drink. [color=26afff][b]"Uhm, thanks."[/b][/color] She remarked towards him when he mentioned the party had a nice touch but then eyed him when he mentioned Ana. [color=26afff][b]"I don't know, honestly. I came here alone."[/b][/color] She winced at her own sentence as much as she hated admitting to it. The Queen Bee, traveling alone was a tragedy. She about to go into more detail about her answer but then Alexandros made his appearance. Her eyes rolled at his words then she slapped his arm lightly. [color=26afff][b]"Hey. Only I'm allowed to call Tristan a nerd. Got it?"[/b][/color] Dominique remarked while thinking about her brother now, taking a sip of her drink and scanning the beach to see if she sees him. Her eyes fell upon the guy she had apologized to earlier and his smile made her eyes fall to the floor along with the lowering of her head. She then looked back up at him, biting her lip and trying to find the right words to say but nothing came out. Her eyes fell upon Audrey as she went over and talked to the cute guy she had her eyes on. It wasn't until Audrey came over towards her and Jackson that she pulled her aside. [color=26afff][b]"The new guy is off limits. Got it?"[/b][/color] Her tone was very stern and direct as she eyed the new guy again. [color=26afff][b]"Please, Audrey, not this one. I'm the Queen Bee and I need a King around my arm. So, please. Oh, god. I sound so desperate."[/b][/color] She pleaded and it was another rare sight to see her in this predicament. She usually commanded, which she did at first but decided to take another rare approach with Audrey. [color=26afff][b]"Oh. I see my brother. Chat later."[/b][/color] She walked away from Audrey and over towards her brother and Lilith, giving them both full on hugs. [color=26afff][b]"So glad you guys could make it. Drinks are being served at the bar, the Cabanas are all bought out and filled with food but more importantly, just enjoy the beach."[/b][/color] She smiled over towards Lilith then rolled her eyes back up towards her brother. [color=204f05][b]"Thanks, sis. You always do know how to start things with a bang!"[/b][/color] Tristan said while grabbing a hold of Lilith's hand and making their way over towards the bar. [color=204f05][b]"Hello, everyone."[/b][/color] Tristan said with a smile then waved his hand over towards Lilith. [color=204f05][b]"You guys know, Lilith, right?"[/b][/color] Tristan knew that they really didn't but just wanted her to feel welcome within the group. Dominique walked over towards Alexandros and the new guy and stood right in front of them both. [color=26afff][b]"So, again, I should apologize. I guess that's why they say you should never text and walk."[/b][/color] Dominique chuckled nervously at her lame joke there then turned back to face him. [color=26afff][b]"Anyways, hi, I'm Dominique but you can call me Domi, if you want to."[/b][/color] She introduced herself while extending her hand out towards him, waiting for their hands to meet and to hear his name. [color=26afff][b]"So, how are you liking the Beverly Hills, so far?"[/b][/color] She'd ask him after his introduce, taking a strand of her ebony locks of hair and tucking it behind her ear. She looked down her drink and saw that it was just about gone. [color=26afff][b]"Oh, Alexandros, would you mind going and getting me another drink?"[/b][/color] She handed him her cup, basically shoving it into his chest and pushing him away towards the bar, chuckling. [color=26afff][b]"Thank you."[/b][/color] With a hair flip, she turned her attention back towards Lucky. [color=26afff][b]"Now, where were we?"[/b][/color] Again, she chuckled nervously while meeting his gaze with hers.[/center]