[b]Name:[/b] Hiraga [b]Also known as:[/b] The Third; The Guardian; Gaia [b]Age:[/b] Ancient [b]God status:[/b] Godess of Nature [b]Parents:[/b] Sun - Moon [b]Sexuality:[/b] She cares not for these things! She is already soulbound to Earth, and there is no space for anyone or anything else left. [b]Personality:[/b] The guardian goddess is connected to Earth, its state directly affecting her mood. In general, she is non-conflicting and among the Gods can be considered neither good nor evil. She has no mercy however, and her judgement is always an eye for an eye. Should someone decide to strip mine a mountain range and fall large forests to build machines of war, they will find their shipyards claimed by beasts of the seas and their factories swallowed by fissures caused by an earthquake. As such, she is as a rather unpredictable element, as much an agent of order as she is of chaos. On a personal level, if one doesn’t give her any grief, Hiraga is a pleasant fellow. Her favorite era of human history was the time when Queen Victoria ruled in England, when the Guardian enjoyed long talks sat near a fireplace in a leather chairs, enjoying a glass of whisky old enough to order its own whisky. She is a philosopher and preserver, although once upon a time she might amuse herself by playing harmless tricks on clueless humans. [b]True form:[/b] Hiraga is a shape shifter, however the form she was born in is an ethereal being looking like a small intangible star, however no one else has ever seen her as such. It is an awe inspiring appearance that fills good hearts with peace and evil ones with fear. [b]Form on Earth:[/b] Her representative form is that of a giant white tiger, but the Guardian takes on many forms depending on what suits her at the moment. If she needs to travel she finds the wings of a dragon the fastest, but when speaking to a human, she might look just like one of them. [b]Powers:[/b] Hiraga is the Nature’s guardian: If everything is well on Earth, her own powers are weakening, to the point of falling into slumber in what could be called a ‘golden age’. However if the land suffers, the goddess’ wrath will rain upon those responsible in force unmatched. If the world would be nearing its End, she would gain the power to bring judgement day, destroy the original world and remake it anew from her own essence, albeit sacrificing herself in the process. Even prior to the war, nobody dared to think what would happen to Earth if she was slain, and no one was certain she could be. To her followers she offers the gift of reincarnation, having the power to anchor their soul in a new body. Those who are offered and choose to receive it are remade as beings and beasts of myths that aid her watch the land. While she is not omniscient, she has the ability to glimpse the life of any given soul to pass judgement on it. [b]Weapon:[/b] The Third wields a gem that she enchanted with a part of her own power. The gem allows anyone who bears it to transmute elements and stay eternally young. During the ages it has been known by many names, such as the philosopher’s stone or the holy grail. [b]History (Pre-war):[/b] The eldest of the goddesses, Hiraga chose to reside on Earth long before the others were bound to it, seeking a realm of her own once her elder brothers claimed the heavens. She bound herself to Earth, condemning herself to forever remain on its surface unable to ever enter heaven or the underworld again. It had an unforeseen effect on her, as events on Earth started to limit her own powers. Weak or asleep for majority of her time, she had nearly forgotten about her siblings when Amare brought them all to her realm. Unfortunately, Humanity was also at the peak of its prosperity and since 1945 Hiraga was in slumber deeper than any before, unable to see the threat this gathering posed in time. [b]History (Post-war):[/b] The war was a rough wake-up call, but alas it was too late. Before the guardian could act, the damage was already done and her precious Earth was forever scarred. Seething in anger and weeping with sorrow, she sought out her brethren to deliver justice for such a heinous act, but all she found was evidence that Destiny delivered it for her. Ever since then, Hiraga has been using her now considerable power to slowly heal the land, but Amare had one final hurdle to throw under the feet of her effort: The mortals were now rising to be new gods, some heading on the same path as Amos before them. Not making the same mistake twice, Hiraga keeps watch and hunts down everyone who would dare to harm her realm. [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]Hiraga’s symbol is the last letter of any alphabet, a silent reminder that no one should upset her, or it may be the last action they ever take. [*]She is not fond of Amare, blaming the youngest for the cataclysm that befell Earth. Without his meddling, Amos would not have been shaped into the monster he become. [/list]