[center][h2][color=DarkOrchid]Maya Ramos[/color][/h2] [h3][color=#ffb5c5]"A girl of flippancy and warning lights."[/color][/h3][/center] Maya glared at the person holding a knife to her neck, eyebrow raised. "You having a fucking laugh, mate? Get that shit off my neck or I'll kick your fuckin' ass, mate." Eh, they were kinda hot, at least. Either way, Maya didn't appreciate shit like that. Being the daughter of a noble meant she was well acquainted with violence and the like. However, it was't exactly herself she was worried about. "Come on, dude, there's like, a younger person here. Stop joking around like that, you're gonna scare somebody." Maya, despite her assholishness, at least cared about the safety of those around her. At least, the idea of a little twerp like the insane one beside her caused a twinge in her chest. She knew what it was like to be harassed and bullied, and the thought of it happening on her watch made her blood boil. Speaking of bullying... Maya turned to the asshole who yelled about her boobs, flicking him off. "If you wanna make somebody angry, gotta try harder than that, dude! You're bit generic when it comes to the rebellion shit, you realize that, right? I get it, you wanna be all cool and shit, but you gotta be creative! Flicking people and yellin' about their tits is grade school, mate! Now say somethin' to my face and see how long that smug grin lasts, kiddo!" There we go. Satisfied with her yelling at everyone, Maya took a deep breath, calming down. Then, she turned back to Mister.... Miss? Maya wasn't sure about their gender, so she just went with Mister. Mr. Knives Go Near People's Necks. "Seriously, though, kid. You slip and accidentally slit my neck, my parents are gonna shove a lawsuit so far up you're ass that you're gonna taste all the money you're losing."