[center][color=9966cc][h1]James Wolfe[/h1][/color][/center] Whoops, so much for not causing any trouble. It seemed that Yellow eyes over there got a little offended by his remark. Poor guy's ego was bigger than he could handle James guessed. Especially since the insult wasn't even aimed at Gaz in the first place. Gaz whipped around and taunted him. [color=fff200]"If you gonna call me an Asshole then say it to my face, and we can square up."[/color] Jamie chuckled and took the cigarette butt out of his mouth and dropped it into a nearby trashcan. He turned back to Gaz with a smirk on his face. Usually he didn't like to spice up trouble but this guy was annoying and an ass to women. Gaz was face to face with him now, chin up and chest puffed out. James wasn't having it. [color=fff200]"So you gonna stand down and bitch out, or are you gonna throw your mittens up and and square up with me?"[/color] [color=9966cc]"Look bud, first off I wasn't even talking to you so don't get your panties in a bunch. And if you get offended by being called an asshole then you're more of a bitch than I thought. if your fight is as big as your brain then I'm seriously concerned for your safety."[/color] James stood casually with his hands hanging by his sides. To be fair he had no idea what this guy could do so he'd let him make the first move. The guy was hot-headed so he hoped Gaz would try hitting him head on and reveal what he could do. [color=9966cc]"You've pissed off a lot of people already, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut so you don't get your ass beat, kid."[/color] James wasn't going to shift yet, although he guessed turning into Gaz would have a comedic effect. Although in a place like this, nothing was too mind boggling. He saw a kid juggling balls of fire in the courtyard earlier like they were baseballs, what people could do was almost limitless at this point. [@Spriggs27]