It took a few hours, which didn’t surprise or worry Chase at all. He knew with the reception out here sometimes it can take phones a while before they got the message and then usually longer when they sent them there was also the chance that Carys was simply busy. So really a few hours was quite fast of a reply. The boy made a mental note to thank Ash later. Then again she did have an unfair advantage, being a girl and all. He shuddered to think one day she may come to him on boy advice. Hopefully she’d have the sense to ask Mason. Quickly he shot off a reply, knowing full well he may get there before it did. [right]Cool :) I’ll be over in half an hour or so.[/right] Hopefully he remembered where she lived, though it hadn't been that hard to get to from what he remembered. Worst case he could use his phone gps. The boy quickly got ready, having a quick shower and getting changed before he headed out to the shed. It had been a fairly quiet day, all things considered. He hadn't seen Mason or Ryan anywhere. Chances were they were just doing their own thing today, which was fine. They all needed a bit of me time every now and then. He pulled out a different bike to the one he’d dropped Carys off in, slightly bigger, more powerful and blue. His personal favourite. Starting the thing up he quickly left the yard and was out onto the dirt road. Anyone could message him if they got too worried, he doubted it, but it was always a possibility. Plus Ash knew where he was going. Roughly thirty five minutes after sending the message he arrived at the house, having only gotten mildly lost. Luckily the town wasn’t really that big, so there weren’t many wrong places to go. Leaving the bike on the side of the road he made his way up to her house, remembering it from the other day. He knocked tentatively, hoping he wasn’t intruding. He had been invited, but honestly he couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually had to knock on someone’s door and wait to be invited inside. It was strange what just became second nature and what seemed normal when you grew up with it. Maybe he should have brought something… like a house warming present or something. Oh well. Too late now.