[center][h2][color=gold]Gil[/color][/h2][/center] Gil remained stoic as Reiko began to answer the question, only to be interrupted by a floating succubus that descended from above. [color=gold][i]They even have Youkai among their ranks...[/i][/color] he thought with a frown, putting his hands in his jeans' pockets and focusing on Ellie. When she sent a glance his way, combined with her expression and remark about "hotties", Gil felt a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't that he was embarrassed so much as he didn't like the idea of a demon saying he was attractive, even if it was a passing joke. But perhaps that was in his imagination anyways. He's in the middle of a crowd, the odds are that he was being singled out was pretty low even if he was a bit on the tall side. If this Red Absinthe was going to be one of his superiors at the Academy then Gil knew he was going to have to adjust a bit. When the Headmaster didn't appear on cue, the young man let out a sigh of disappointment. [color=gold][i]One thing after another is making me question how valid this school is. Perhaps I would be better off seeking allies within the YTC instead...[/i][/color] The announcement that the crowd of students hadn't been accepted yet and would have to perform a test in the very early morning, however, got Gil's attention. [color=gold][i]So they plan on weeding some of us out. Hopefully the vast majority. Maybe my father was right about this place.[/i][/color] The idea of abandoning the Akatsuki Academy was soon abandoned itself as Gil decided that the next day would surely bring about a much better impression of the Chasers. While many seemed to be eager to complain about their living situation for the night and the earliness of the test, both of these factors played into Gil's strengths. He was used to adapting to the environment and he was used to discipline. Sleeping on the cold hard ground was well within his capability and he was smart enough to make sure he was rested for the upcoming entrance exam. That is if everyone would let him sleep. Already the mass of teenagers were voicing their complaints and arguing among themselves with their inflamed emotions burning hot. It even seemed that two guys nearby were about to fight. At this point Gil just couldn't keep his thoughts entirely to himself. [color=gold]"These people are going to be failures,"[/color] he muttered, turning to look for a comfortable place to lay down. [color=gold]"If these are the Chaser hopefuls then we have no hope."[/color] At this point he felt he said too much. The young gunslinger didn't want to leave a bad impression on those who may have heard him, even if it was likely that a good number wouldn't even remain long enough to become his peers. Others may feel the need to make fools of themselves but Gil was the type that wouldn't stop judging, not even himself. It was time to distance himself from the squabbling and make himself comfortable. An exam awaited him in seven hours, more than enough time for a good rest. [center][h2][color=gray]Erisa[/color][/h2][/center] The Flower Spirit seemed oblivious to the emotions of the crowd as she focused entirely on Reiko, patiently awaiting the answer as to what a Chaser truly is. Unfortunately the answer would never come as Ellie decided to interrupt the Senior Instructor. Erisa was left a little disappointed by this, but at the same time she felt elated that a Youkai was so esteemed in the Academy. This place probably wasn't prejudiced in the least. Surely this was a sign that everyone here was able to band together in camaraderie due to their common goal of becoming a "Chaser." But Erisa was wrong. As soon as Ellie announced they would all wait until morning to see who gets accepted or not, many of the humans around her seemed to be less than pleased. Whether it was impatience or something else, Erisa couldn't understand. Human emotions were strange and unpredictable. In her mind she was content with waiting a few more hours for placement. That would give her time to meet some of the humans here and learn more about them. But apparently not everyone shared that sentiment. Some people even seemed like they wanted to leave, but the large doors that had closed behind them were locked. Perhaps that would make people feel unsettled, knowing that they weren't free to move as they pleased. That was the kind of thing that would bother Erisa, if she didn't still want to be here. The crowd began to disperse in its own way, mostly of people finding places to relax comfortably but a sizeable portion remained interacting. Some in a not-so-kind way. Two human males were getting loud and argumentative, clearly about to get in a fight. A female was getting mean with another male right next to them too, perhaps prepared to make it an actual brawl. Erisa figured this was the perfect opportunity to interact with people, perhaps a way to leave a good impression for her future classmates. She wouldn't want to be known as someone who was weird or super quiet, even if those wouldn't necessarily be false descriptions. The silver-haired girl approached the angsty and angry group of teenagers. [color=gray]"We shouldn't be fighting, guys,"[/color] she spoke up, her delicate voice trying desperately to both sound like she isn't pleading and to sound like a normal human. Both were wrong, but she attempted to fit that bill. [color=gray]"We might need our energy for that exam we were told about. We're all here for the same thing, right? No reason to not all be friends."[/color]