Slowly moving, the fact his face was covered and his eerie clothing made him rather strange looking. Added by the possible weapon on his back and large stature, he seemed intimidating, almost like he was evil. His smile and green skin basically sealed the deal. While Chelm wasn't a very bad person in reality, at least, not anymore, he was very much so a bad looking person, and he supposed he could never shake that off of him. He didn't stop moving closer, it was gradual but soon enough he was upon them. Once their, in the shadow brought by his cloth, the glint of one eye and a sinister grin was all that shown through. Grabbing the covered weapon on his back, he planted it hard into the ground with a thud, watching the lenin around it unravel itself to reveal a staff. "How fancy, it looks like we both have one! I'm glad to see fellow wizards starting to understand the power of stave magic" he suddenly spoke, taking off the hood to show his green skin and greasy black hair. "don't mind little old me, I just thought I'd accompany you two love birds, to make sure that your passage was unaltered by anyone else"