[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KjQh0O1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]The Republic of Kalpia-1915[/h1][/center] [center][img]http://www.theholocaustexplained.org/public/cms/70/92/435/668/IuwSha_web.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]KSU Partisans in the streets of Mistburn[/i][/center] The anarchist were discovered by the goverment a couple of weeks ago , they had plans to coup the goverment of the president Karlht Mariath and to start a revolution in the whole country , with their plans discovered they rised in arms againts the goverment their supporters in the army joined them , the 3rd army was under the control of the anarchists they quickly sized villages and small cities near Mistburn , the goverment responded very fast and mobilized the army to stop them the anarchist at first had very high morale and had some small victories againts the garrisons of the villages however the whole might of the army was now preparing to hit them hard , the army made the capital Mistburn a fortress and martial law was imposed on the whole country , the Kalpian Socialist Union (KSU) was observed the acts of the goverment and its representatives in the parlament made everything they could to stop the mobilization and martial law however they failed , the leader of the KSU Haeprio Trobveo Aeque saw this as a violation of the socialist unions rights and he prepared to stop the goverment by seizing the power , on may 10 he gave the order to seize the armory of Dontrion west of Mistburn and he also gave similar orders to his partisans in the rest of the country , the masses of the country mobilized at the order of the KSU. The news of the Dontrion armory reached the goverment in minutes , barricades were placed around the parlament and the presidential palace , the garrison of the city readied itself to stop the masses of people that would soon gather near them , shoots could be heard as the masses moved from one place of the city to another , the 5th army was called to help the capital and they were expected to reach the capital in a day , but there were some in the garrison that believed they were going to survive more than a few hours againts the KSU partisans , first of all nobody knew how many would desert at the sight of the thousands of people or how many would desert to the KSU , the truth was that the goverment was prepared for this kind of contingency after the anarchist started the civil war , they knew that the KSU would try to seize power too and they prepared. The garrison soldiers could think what they wanted , but there were machineguns emplacements in every important street , the partisans that seized the armory were lucky enough to have the garrison far enough from reinforcements , when the KSU partisans reached the parlament they stopped for a moment asking to the soldiers to join them againts the tyranny of the goverment , at the same time the officers asked the partisans to go back home while they could , however nobody moved until the machinegun started to fire at the partisans , at the end of the day the 5th army reached the city now with the corpses of the partisans that joined the KSU in their attempt to coup the goverment Haeprio leaved the city after that and commanded the forces of the partians that were able to leave the city or that succeded in their attempts to seize control of the minor villages . After that the president made some declarations and asked the help of everyone to maintain the order in the nation , this had some effect as few partisans from both the anarchist and communist deserted and returned to their homes just to be called to the army after that . However the army keeps divided now the 6th army joins the KSU cause , the civil war may have started in may but in december it is already a hell for the people living in the country , it becomes normal to the citizens that artillery shells explode in a nearby farm or in middle of the street as the three sides fight to see who will rule the nation and who will be left by that time. [i]"Ours is the right to stablish a homeland where the opinion of every citizen really matters"[/i]-KSU propaganda [i]"It is time to stop the corrupt goverment from controlling our lives and to be free forever"[/i]-Anarchist propaganda [i]"What this country needs is order and the only way to achieve it is with you"[/i]-Goverment propaganda [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/02/21/article-2282108-182A0167000005DC-847_964x713.jpg[/img]