"[b]This is shaping up to be one hell of a day...[/b]" Jacque mused aloud as he followed after his companions to aid the new arrival on the scene. The hunter launched himself from the ledge and landed with a roll and a short grunt of discomfort as his armor pinched him in a few places. His plans were shot, this was a small source of annoyance to him, as was the fact that the calamitous noise that came with the new hunter's assault on the Jaggi pack and their leader could very well lead to some unwanted attention. Jacque rose and pulled his weapon from his back, but did not engage immediately. Keeping the great sword directly in front of him, Jacque slowly began to encircle the other fighters, occasionally making a mock lunge at a Jaggi that veered a bit too close for his tastes as he tried to get a feel of what was going on. Reema and Roland were holding their own, much to his approval, and it even seemed as though a plan was being worked to coerce the Great Jaggi into a pinch maneuver. Jacque, for his part, began doing what he could to act as crowd control, lest the large beast try and fall behind it's emboldened allies. The hunter snarled and swung his weapon in a wide horizontal arc, putting only enough force into it to convince the jaggi attempting to swarm him that getting close was a bad idea. The idea was further concreted when one jaggi attempted to lunge at Jacque from behind, mistaking his large and clunky appearance to mean he was slow, only to find itself impaled on the vicious blades of his swords when he twisted around with almost monstrous speed. Jacque was all too familiar with the way pack hunters liked to operate: cut off, crowd, and attack the blind spots, a standard tactic that he'd seen many times with velociprey. It was only too unfortunate for the Jaggi that they weren't quite as swift in their attack as the prey family tended to be. Jacque twisted back around and flung the body of the Jaggi at it's comrades with a wet sucking sound as flesh was yanked away from metal. The other Jaggi, in response to the sight of the broken body of their pack mate being thrown at them, deftly sidestepped and jumped out of the way. "[b]What are you waiting for? I'm here! COME AT ME![/b]" Jacque barked as he lunged forward again with his weapon to force the other Jaggi to either sidestep or jump back. He continued to work the group of jaggi that attempted to surround him, stepping in time with each lunge to get them to move in the direction he wanted them to. Adding to this Jacque would occasionally widen the arc of his swings, serving two purposes: the first and most obvious was to prevent a rear attack like that which was being set up for the Great Jaggi, and the second -and more important- reason, was to ensure the jaggi focused almost exclusively on Jacque as he slowly guided them closer and closer to Roland.