[center][img]http://s25.postimg.org/kosvah54v/cooltext166741318147104.png[/img] [b]The Great Artisan, Divine Mason, Builder of Civilisations Level 2 God of Crafting (Masonry)[/b] 0 Might & 2 Free Points[/center] The wind whipped around him, the stars drew infinitesimally closer above him, and the planet curved away below him. Teknall stood on one of the many balconies of the Celestial Citadel as it drifted serenely above Galbar. He could see below that more work was being carried out, the gods slowly terraforming the planet to their liking. But above a stranger thing was happening. A large moon had been formed from debris in orbit, only to be sliced apart and formed into eight new, smaller moons. Teknall had been watching this take place as he had constructed the Citadel, and now the moons seemed finished, finally allowed to settle into their orbits- orbits which would no doubt be gradually perturbed over time by the n-body gravitational interactions they formed. While there was an odd beauty in the many moons, by dictate of the Laws of Gravity they could never be consistent in the paths they trace across the sky, changing from one age to the next. They may even collide at some point in the future, or in the worst case be flung into Galbar, their orbits could change that much. While Teknall stood there and watching the Universe pass by, Illunbar flew over to the Celestial Citadel and complemented him on his work. [color=ec008c]“I have to say Teknall, I underestimated you. I thought you would be limited to the brute creations but now I can see that you are a master of the refined arts too.”[/color] "Thanks," Teknall replied, "I take pride in my work. After all, you cannot spell 'artisan' without 'art'." As he spoke, Teknall received a message within his head from Vulamera, who gifted him with one of the moons, to his mild surprise. "Why, thank you, Vulamera. It is a good gift indeed." Teknall spotted his new moon, Auricolor, drifting gracefully across the sky. "Well, I'm off now," Teknall announced to Illunbar and Zephyrion, "See you again some time." And with that he was off, willed away to the surface of Auricolor. Across the surface of this moon Teknall strode, prospecting the mineral composition of this creation. It was astonishingly rich in minerals, as it contained most of the valuable minerals from all eight moons combined. The violent processes involved in the birth of a moon had smelted some of the metals, leaving large nuggets scattered across the surface and buried beneath it, including iron, which could be found in its pure form in this oxygen-free environment. The great heat and pressure had also formed gemstones of various kinds, including diamonds. Yes, Auricolor might be useless to Teknall himself, but to any metal-working civilisation this moon would be a huge boon. It was perhaps a shame that it may be eons before a civilisation could so much as set foot on Auricolor, let alone industrialise it. But that gave Teknall an idea. Touching a deposit of adamantine, Teknall drew up the metal, refined it, and shaped it into a maul of purest adamantine that was as long as he was. As Galbar turned above him, he spied some empty space, and in a moment he had transported himself there. Standing a couple hundred kilometers south-west of the Nice Mountains, Teknall tapped the ground experimentally with the butt of his maul. Then, Teknall grew to his full stature, the maul growing with him, and divine radiance spilled out onto the landscape around him. He raised the maul above his head, and then with all his might swung down. When the hammer struck the ground, the ground shattered and cleaved beneath it, and the tremors of that blow would be felt across the planet. Out from the point of impact spread two fractures in the crust of Galbar, one heading west towards the edge of the Shattered Plains and Fractal Sea, the other heading south, snaking its way down to the tundra. This may have seemed like a brutish display of strength to some, but in truth it was a refined and calculated move, just as a mason would split a rock to make a brick. Along this newly made fault line Teknall called on the earth to merger together and rise. And rise it did. Along this fracture a mountain range formed, towers of stone reaching from the surface of Galbar and pushing through the sky. And from deep within the earth minerals were upheaved, making these mountains richer in metals and gems than elsewhere on the planet. Not as rich as Auricolor, but still a valuable place. And thus the Ironheart Ranges were formed. The violent process by which Teknall formed these mountains would not be without consequence, for this area would be subject to seismic activity such as earthquakes and volcanism, but Teknall figured that the relatively easy access to minerals would be a sufficient boon to allow any civilisations who took root here to cope with it. The last of his energy expended, Teknall shrank back to his regular height, and he stowed his maul away in the pocket of his apron. Then he hiked along the ranges, taking things easy until he felt up to more creative works. [hider=Summary] Teknall thanks Vulamera for the new moon. Teknall muses about how this moon would be a great boon for any civilisations who could reach it. Teknall creates the mineral-rich Ironheat Ranges, built along a fault line he created. (2 Freepoints used, none left) [/hider]