[h2][color=82ca9d][center]Aella[/center][/color][/h2] [hider=Description] [b]Appearance:[/b] Aella stands at five foot three inches tall, and weighs about 110 pounds. Her body is covered in lean muscle, but she has a bit of a small fat on her stomach. Her silver locks reach down to her lower back, and she has bangs that just dust her high cheek bones. Her somewhat pale skin and pointed ears tell of her elvish blood. With piercing blue-grey eyes, some wonder if she could even see into souls, but she can't, even if she wanted to. Her hands are small and delicate looking, but with calluses on her palms and her nails chewed off short. [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/12/23/article-2528305-1A43A85800000578-718_306x423.jpg[/img] [hider=Archon Weapon] [img]http://ultimateweapons.org/images/products/detail/06CenturionBoStaff.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider="Casual Outfits"] https://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderRPG/PZO1125-Monk.jpg - 1 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/2f/48/642f484c7c974b4db5b79ef9c2f523f9.jpg -2 [/hider] [hider=Special Gear] Wings: [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/74c72b84f96f7cecb74647b58baab61f/tumblr_inline_mptqaiO6vx1qz4rgp.png[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/5a35e7536038cb7744b1b4a333e83252/tumblr_inline_mptq8mYCxu1qz4rgp.png[/img] Actual armor: [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/662b/i/2015/312/1/d/female_elven_leather_armor_set_by_feral_workshop-d9g13ci.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [b]"I guess we could,"[/b] Aella hummed, a small smirk on her face, [b]"But, it's all about making yourself comfortable. If you are comfortable here, then here would be the best place. I like a place a little more quiet."[/b] The silver haired elf looked over the other woman once again, before sitting on the floor away from the table. She took on a comfortable position for meditation, the lotus position. Her feet were on either thigh as she sat cross legged, her arms resting on the ends of her knees. [b]"This is all about you and your journey, so first, start by sitting comfortably. If you wish to do what I am, that is okay, but you must find a position that you do not mind sitting in for longer periods of time,"[/b] Aella explained, [b]"Once you get into a position you feel is best for you, you will close your eyes."[/b] The elf demonstrated, taking in a deep breath as she did. Her body already started to relax out of years of deep meditation. [b]"Take deep steady breaths and let your mind clear of all obstacles. Once you are there, hopefully, your spirit guide will show you things you will need to know,"[/b] she whispered gently, already losing herself. She felt her body become almost weightless and she could feel Sagittarius start to take over her thought processes. Her body then started to float as the air around her became her support. She really didn't even realize that she was doing this. As if like a vivid dream, she was experiencing Sagittarius's memories. [hider=My Hider] [@MissJudas] [/hider]