[@Gravislayer] [@MonsieurShade] [@CloseEnough] Instinct kicking in Elysia planted her feet squarely in the ground, lowered her shoulder and ducked. The Great Jaggi slammed into her, winding her for a moment, but her center of gravity was far lower than his. The thunk of impact sent the creature fumbling clumsily backwards. [color=ed1c24]"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT? DICK!"[/color] She yelled, another Jaggi fastened its teeth into her arm, but she didn't even feel it, automatically jamming a fist into its face, which made it yelp in surprise, allowing her to slice its head off in one clean swoop. And then, the other hunters, three of them, who probably thought she was insane. Whatever, she'd fought a pack of Jaggi before and survived... more or less in tact. A few broken ribs.. nothing really serious. [color=ed1c24]"NO YOU IDIOT, SCREAMING ENRAGES THE GREAT JAGGI."[/color] True to her word, the screaming seemed to affect the Great Jaagi. It surely had enough of her shouting. Scraping its talons against the ground, it charged towards her. And she was more than ready for the charge. As its teeth lunged for her she heaved her weapon in a downward ark, sinking it into the beast's head. However, the beast wasn't quite done fighting.. or living. It wrenched away from her, effectively ripping the axe from her hands. [color=ed1c24]"Sh-"[/color] Elysia swore. What a time for her danged switch axe to lose its sharpness. She backed away slightly, clenching her hands into fists. Well, all else failed she could just.. punch it.. right.. punch it. [i]idiot[/i] she scolded herself. The weight of her axe still in the creature's head, its neck drooped and it slowed, wavering back and forth as it attempted to continue towards her. It wasn't moving very quickly, and it seemed close to death. [color=ed1c24]"SHOOT IT IN THE F****ING FACE!"[/color] She shouted, glancing to the man with the projectile weapon.