[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext140250949153817_zpsfz5z3lac.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/cooltext140250949153817_zpsfz5z3lac.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] He had waited for this moment his entire life. This was the moment that he brought the once great Empire out of the depths of space and took the first steps toward reclaiming what it had lost. Control. He stood at the massive view port watching the battle unfold before him. It had gone just as he had planned, the Imperial fleet had come out of hyperspace in close proximity to Rodia, and the planet was caught completely unaware. From the first salvo of the planetary bombardment which knocked out the massive shields which protected the planet’s cities, to the swarms of TIE fighters which further battered the planet, the entire operation had gone perfectly. Even the pair of freighters that appeared out of nowhere and put up some resistance didn’t bother the Grand Admiral. Although they had managed to get past the TIE squadron that had gone out to intercept them, they too were playing into his hand. Even when the squadron of X-wings arrived on the scene along side a capital ship, the Grand Admiral was not disturbed. Quite the contrary. The Grand Admiral was well aware that a member of the Republic Senate would be pleading her case to the Rodian Grand Protector, and this attack was just as much a test of the Republic’s response as it was a display of his force’s power. When he saw the pitiful response that the Republic had mustered, Sayall was completely and utterly under whelmed. “Sir, you have an incoming transmission from Grand Moff Dexen.” Captain Darklighter said as she approached from behind. The Grand Admiral sighed, his distaste for the Moff exuded from his very being. Sayall felt that Dexen, as well as most of the other Moffs were spineless cowards who were fortunate to have well established familial legacies which aided them in gaining their status in the Empire. With the exception of Moff Bolair and a few others, they were puppets of a weak leadership. As far as Sayall was concerned, the Moffs offered very little to the Empire, and he saw no real need for their continued “service.” “Very well.” Sayall said as he made his way to the bridge’s holoprojector. “Let us see what he wants.” He smirked as he opened the line. “This is an unexpected surprise Grand Moff.” Sayall cheerily greeted the Moff. “We can dispense with the pleasantries, Grand Admiral. You have exceeded your mandate with your unauthorized attack on Rodia.” Dexen said, confirming Sayall’s suspicions of the reason for this unscheduled conference. “I disagree. My ‘mandate’ is to restore the Empire to its former glory, and that is exactly what I am doing. I am proving to the galaxy that the pitiful Republic cannot protect them, and soon, entire systems will come crawling to us, begging us to take them under our protection. I am doing what you, and the other so-called leadership of this great Empire have been unable, or unwilling to do.” Sayall spat, each word containing venom that few had seen from the normally cool headed Grand Admiral. “Be that as it may…” The Grand Moff said with a grin that caused Sayall to want to slap the smugness off of his almost cadaver like face. “I have orders directed from the Emperor himself for you to call off the attack and return to Imperial Space immediately.” So that was it. The coward Emperor Tyroc had again proven that he did not have the stomach to lead and had sent his lapdog to do his bidding. Though he maintained a cool façade, Sayall seethed beneath the surface. “Very well.” Sayall said as he shut down the holoprojector. He stood there for a moment in silence before Captain Darklighter spoke up. “Shall I recall the squadrons?” She asked as she reached for the open com line to all of the fighter squadrons as well as the troops on the ground. “No.” Sayall said calmly. “Sir?” Darklighter asked, stunned by the Grand Admiral’s response. “We will proceed with the attack until I see fit to call back our forces. I will not allow the likes of that weasel Dexen or the foolish young Emperor undermine what we are doing here, in the name of the Empire.” Sayall told her. “No, we will press the attack until I say so.”