Megumi let out an amused 'hmmph' at the bartender's response as she withdrew slightly, giving him a smirk. Not really what she expected but at the same time, she should've expected a response like that. Truth be told, she was quite annoyed at their attitude toward half-breeds and bestial races. It only bred more nonsensical hatred. [color=ed1c24]"Quite an interesting place you got here.."[/color] She muttered under her breath as she accepted the ale. She would've preferred a cold glass of milk, but that would just raise questions about her. A grown woman ordering cold milk in a tavern. Laughable, but also suspicious. She gave the ale a deep gulp before putting the tankard back onto the counter. She noticed the napkin that the bartender had handed her. At first she thought of using it to wipe her mouth, but she noticed some writing. [color=ed1c24][i]Instructions?[/i][/color] She threw a glance at the man she now knew as, Larry. This could possibly get her killed, but it could also lead her to more information. This man had noticed her eyes, that much she knew. Perhaps he was trying to lure her into a trap. But she didn't know if that really was the case. She wondered how many other half-breeds have tried to come in here and do the same thing that she had done. Probably not many considering the crowd. Megumi drank the rest of her ale, using the clean side of the napkin to wipe her mouth before scrunching it up into a ball. [color=ed1c24]"Thanks Larry."[/color] she said simply as she made her way upstairs as the napkin had said. She wasn't even half way up the stairs before she noticed someone following her. A Justicar. Perhaps by coincidence she was following her? When they reached the top of the stairs, the woman spoke to her, [color=bc8dbf][b]"I've not seen you here before. You from town?"[/b][/color], to which Megumi replied with a similarly kind smile, [color=ed1c24]"Oh no, I'm just a traveler."[/color].. That rapier looked very nasty. Not something she'd want to go up against. The half-cat couldn't get away from the woman. She kept making small talk as if she wanted to stop Megumi from doing something or maybe she just wanted idle chit-chat. Whatever the reason, she was in the way. Doing anything other than talking would cause a scene though. The woman had introduced herself as 'Sammeh', [color=ed1c24]"It's nice to meet you Sammeh, my name is Rahn."[/color] she responded, she made no pauses when mentioning her fake name, her response flowing as if it were actually her name. A lie nobody could contest or notice.