[hider= Might, the Mightiest of the Mighty] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Arthur Nolan [b]Alias:[/b] Might [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=f7941d]f7941d[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Good [b]Identity:[/b] Technically Secret. Technically Open. Nobody believes him when he says who he is, so he's Might. [b]Character Personality[/b]:Might is a warrior at his very core, through and through a love of battle and conquest are his greatest loves. Nothing is preferable to a good fight, save for a good feast and drink with a friend. Though he loves throwing down the gauntlet and challenging the greatest heroes of all time, he doesn't enjoy killing. In fact, he absolutely abhors it. Refusing vehemently to finish anyone who he fights against, except in the most dire of circumstance. Through hundreds of battles, he has become accustom to those who fight only to kill, those who fight for the bloodsport. Though he doesn't sympathise with their bloodthirst, he can understand falling into the miasma of bloodlust. Might carries himself with tremendous confidence. Shoulders squared, chin held hight, a grin on his chin from ear to ear, a long stride and a wide swing of his arms with every step. The sheer confidence that is shown simply by Might walking into a room is enough to give certain folks pause. Despite his incredible defiance of anything resembling a shy personality or even a slight hint of disbelief in himself, Might's stride does not show arrogance. Every movement is with a certain deliberance, not with the intent to intimidate. " Though looking at him, the way he carries himself. The way he walks, the way he talks, the way he fights, even the way he looks. It's hard to believe that all of this is a facade, Might is actually the persona of a man who lost everything that he was. Everyone he ever loved, everything he ever owned. Originally, Might was named Arthur Nolan. Arthur was a detective in New York City. He was a brilliant detective, and was far from retiring. He intended to work long into his life and maybe into his grave, if things turned sour. He was dedicated to law enforcement and bringing criminals to justice, no matter how much danger he put hismelf into. The man he once was still lies deep inside, hidden behind an intentional facade of security and strength. Though he doesn't need to hide who he is, it was the only choice he felt that he had. With no more family or friends, he needed to make new friends. And new friends he did make. Though under the persona of Might, and not Arthur Nolan. Has a slightly irrational guilt complex. [b]Appearance:[/b] With bronzed skn, so perfectly smooth that one could barely percieve a blemish upon close inspection. Hair as soft and springy as gossamer, with a crimson tone and soft curls that dance across the back of his neck and forehead. Barely covering the heads of his ears with their delicate thread ends. Might's eyes are as green as the brightest leaves of the olive tree, they seem to glow with a subtle verdant light. As though stars twinkled behind each of his irises. If you saw him unclothed, you would be awed by the absolute inhuman perfection of his musculature. Wholly unlike the body of a worker or warrior, each and every muscle on his body was perfectly crafted to each task they perform. From the crown of his head to the tips of his toes, it looks as if they were sculpted by a being that knew the function of every muscle and how they should look at the pinnacle of their fitness. So too would you be awed by the hairlessness of his body, save for a patch of pubic hair that would be visible just above the bridge of his underpant-line. It too is the perfect crimson gossamer as the hair that crowns him. To go into detail about other unclothed parts of him would be inappropriate, but his hindquarters are excellently sculpted. Despite having a low fat distribution, his buttocks are full and round. Unlike other musclemen who have a distinct lack of a butt. Might's face follows the golden ratio with almost no deviation from the standard line. There's a nearly un-earthly perfection to his face, as though it were carved by a skilled sculptor into marble. This singular perfection is accentuated by a complete absence of blemishes on his face. Not even a single uncleansed pore, scar, or pockmark. There are slight creases in his face that serve to outline his features. His face has several features that are exclusively dominant traits. Detached earlobes, dimples, broad lips and his hair follows a widows peak. Though his hair color is a recessive trait among humans, Might is not actually a human. Among godkin and faeries red hair is the most common hair color, though the second most common is bright golden, followed closely by shiny silver hair. It seems that the only flaws on his body are on his right arm. The first is a massive scar on his right arm, running from the palm of his hand all the way up to his elbow. It is a lichtemberg figure. The sort of scar that forms when lightning strikes your body. It has grown and grown through numerous encounters with energy wielders. When in combat against a mage, or energy manipulator, it glows slightly with a crimson luminescence. The second is a series of numerous blade marks on the palm of his hand. They generally all follow the same angle, running from between his index and thumb down across his palm. This is from countless blade caught in his right hand, it's better to have a scar on your hand than a missing head. Lastly is how Might dresses, though innumerable warriors dress in fancy garb and hefty armor. Might dresses singularly, with many versions of the outfit in his closet. Starting on his head, he has a golden circlet adorned with a square cut Titanite gem in the center. This central gem rises up above the crown of his head, sticking up over his hair. On his shoulders, he wears a fastened poncho-cape hybrid. The fasten hangs on his neck on the left hand side, and it hangs slightly over onto his right arm. It is a purely aesthetic choice, inspired by comic books that he read when he was younger. The rest of his attire is rather strange, he wears a long tunic that runs down past his knees, only just crossing the threshold of his kneecaps. The tunic is made of pinstripe fabric with grey lines crossing down the white-blue fabric. It's fairly simple in design, and doesn't actually have sleeves. His shoes are high tied greek sandals, open toed straps of leather that are wrapped around his legs up to his knees. When in battle, Might has become incredibly proficient at girding his loins up very swiftly. On his left wrist is a long bracer of steel and leather that wrap comfortably around his wrist and palm. There is an inscription on the iron plates on both the back of his hand and forearm. The inscriptions are in Arabic. The one on his hand reads: "Stand Tall." The one on his forearm reads: "Stay Resolute." He had them inscribed for appearances exclusively, they have no magical properties. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Lovecraftian Horror gone right, technically. Will be properly described in my opening post, I'd rather leave this empty until then. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Other/Equalization [b]Power Level:[/b] Street level to Cosmic level, contextually varies. [b]Powers:[/b] Constant: Perfect Senses: Imagine the acutest senses possible, far outstripping that or normal men. Eyesight to see accurately up to the curvature of the Earth, hearing to pick up a mouse's footfall from a full room away, strong enough nose to be able to pick up the smell of dried blood in the next room, and fingers delicate enough to manipulate a hair into a windsor knot. Tastes are also intense for him, he's able to detect a single grain of salt in a dish that is said to be unsalted. This is less important, however. The Right Hand of God: Might's right hand and forearm are completely and utterly indestructable, the flesh may part and the skin may crack but it will never yield or break. It is his only defense against weapons, bolts of energy, beams of heat, and a long list of dangerous abilities that would spell death for a man whose only real ability is physical equality. Might doesn't use weapons, since his physical ability is entirely variable. Whatever weapon he used would be in danger of breaking if he fought against a god-like being, or would risk being too heavy if he fought a normal human. So instead, his arm is simply a shield against offensive forces. Air Walking: Might cannot actually fly, instead, he can walk and run on the Air. The powers that were granted to Might were given to him with the ideal of perfect equality on the field of battle. To be able to walk on air gives him the ability to fight on the exact same level as those warriors who can fly. Air Walking is the only real advantage that he has over a normal human in an engagement of fisticuffs. On the other hand, flight is only useful if you're faster than a human being. Though he can catch himself in the air, preventing himself from dying from most fatal falls. So that's a plus. It has also given him an amazing proficiency at divebombing people from the air. Outside of Combat: Perfect Physical Ability: Might can yoke a train and pull it on its rails, lift an entire oak tree or run miles without tiring for a moment. With nobody to fight, he is simply a perfect human being. With abilities that are just beneath the limits of totally superhuman, he demonstrates an unnatural ease in every single task that he undertakes. This is, however, outside of combat. Inside of Combat: (Dictated by either a Challenge or an outright assault on his person or the opponent's person.) Absolute Equalization: Might is known as Might for one reason, and one reason alone. There are none who are more mighty than Might. Because Might is exactly as strong as he needs to be. Don't misinterperet this. This isn't to say that he's stronger than everyone that he ever fights and that nobody even compares to him in physical ability. This is untrue. Might is exactly as physically able as the person or persons he is fighting. Let us spin up four scenarios to explain how Might's Equalization works. If Might were fighting Bruce Lee, Might would be exactly as fast and strong as Bruce. He would be able to fight him at the exact same strength and speed level. However, he does not duplicate his martial arts. Might is not able to equalize Martial Arts. If Might were fighting Superman in Space, Might would be able to equally trade blows with Superman. Hold his breath indefinitely, run at the same speed that he could fly, and fight exactly as long as Superman. However, he could not duplicate his ability to fire lasers from his eyes or breath ice breath. He cannot duplicate supernatural abilites. If Might were fighting Jean Grey, Might would be exactly as strong and fast as she is. However, she would be able to assault him with her psychic ability and leave him completely helpless. He cannot emulate psychic ability. Now for the fourth scenario and the most important. If Might were fighting Sentry, Hyperion, Shazam, and Steel. Might would be exactly as fast and strong as the four of them combined. Able to fight the four of them on exactly equal footing. However, this is still a four on one fight. Might cannot multiply his body. As well, they all have abilites and equipment that give them advantages over him. If he were to defeat one of them, he would lose their strength and speed from his ability. As well, if he has an ally on his side, he loses [b]the ally's[/b] strength and speed from his total strength and speed. It is not a perfect ability, though it is good at what it does. And what does it do? It makes sure that every fight is fair. [b]Out of Combat Attributes:[/b] [indent]Strength Level: 2 tons Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 mph speed/60 mph reaction Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Trained (Judo and Firearms) [/indent] [b]In Combat Attributes:[/b] [indent]Strength Level: Contextually Varies Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Contextually Varies Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Contextually Varies Agility: Contextually Varies Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Trained (Judo and Firearms) [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Minimal [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Though Might is technically among the most powerful entities possible, simply due to his ability to match the physical ability of the person or people he is fighting, he has one massive disadvantage. Might is not invincible, nor can he duplicate non-physical ability. This leaves him at a tremendous disadvantage against people who rely solely on their martial skill, magical ability, and even technological advances. What seems like a totally unassailable ability is easily torn down once one steps back and objectively looks at his set of abilities. With his right hand, he only slightly offsets the disadvantage of range and power by having a tool to prevent himself from dying. Other than that, he can't cope with unusually adverse abilities. If he fights a normal human being, he actually grows weaker than his usual base ability. Even with The Right Hand of God, he is not immune to certain effects such as Electrical Manipulation and pain, so too does it have the disadvantage of being on his right side. Attacks from the left hand side of his body cannot be blocked as easily as forward or right facing assaults. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] None. All family and friends have been removed by Circumstance. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [img]http://gifsec.com/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/08/GIF-No-No-Way-Never-Not-Gonna-Happen-Nah-Nope-GIF.gif?gs=a[/img] Sample Post: From the streets of Manhattan island, Might was an idle watcher of news-stories and captor of criminals. There wasn't a terrible amount of crime fighting that he could do, despite his fantastic ability, he's unable to get to and from crime scenes as fast as say. The Flash. It's one of the major drawbacks of being an equalizer, something that he has to deal with. Though he does have the height advantage, being able to walk on the air gives him a couple heads up. Especially when it comes to fleeing purse snatchers, so being a Street Level Hero is right up his alley normally. Especially since he can catch and subdue any normal human before even initiating combat, so that's nice. Honestly, the past few months have been stressful. The news hasn't been very good as of late, especially with the Demon invasion and the current coverage of the crazy scientist who decided that the world needs to evolve. [color=f26522]"It's lunacy, y'know? Not long ago I was a perfectly sane human being, and now the world went to hell and back. Almost literally.[/color] Might spoke somberly to the universe itself, since he didn't really have anyone of import to actually speak with. It had been far too long since that fateful day, though he knew all of these crazy events weren't interconnected, he always felt bad for even having powers. He felt as though it were his fault, as if some sort of chain reaction started with him. Crazy, he knows, but a guilt complex is a guilt complex. The man sighed and resigned to sitting up against the wall of the building he was floating next to. The air is actually a very comfortable seat, fun fact. He spoke to himself back and forth, trying to rationalize all of the craziness of the past stretch of time. [color=f26522]"I couldn't help but wonder what sort of wild world we live in. Little Ulster's [i]renovation[/i]. Followed by that damnable invasion of-"[/color] Might paused for a moment, frowning slightly at the wording. [color=f26522]"Followed by that damnable invasion of the damned."[/color] He felt as though it were redundant and unnecessary, sometimes redundancy is necessary. It is not necessary when you're carrying on a conversation with yourself. Again he sighed, knocking his head against the wall lightly to give himself a little jarring. Help wake him up a bit from his funk. [color=f26522]"What if I joined up with another hero somewhere, y'know? Maybe I could be useful for once, instead of sitting in Manhattan and being worthless while the other heroes go out and save the world from cosmic horrors and demons." [/color] There really was no way he'd be able to fight cosmic horrors alone, you see, and even he accepts that. Just because there isn't anyone who can out-punch him, doesn't mean everyone can be beaten by punching. Whatever persona he may put on in the public eye, Nolan knows exactly the limits of his ability. Even now, with the ability to trade punches with the Gods themselves, he couldn't even survive a rifle round outside of combat. And you don't get to issue a challenge to someone a mile away, that's just not how it works. Might needs help, and he knows that he can prove to be helpful as well. All he needs is someone to give him a chance.[/hider]