[img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/4f0c243d80adb7364cfdd22110297d81/tumblr_o2t1ksU5vW1u5gf80o1_500.png[/img] The stone that had melted into the lower pores of Jvan's body, for the most part, remained there. Some of the caverns of Vakarlon, she knew, would lead into her own cavity, or between the trenches and marks that had broken into them as she had torn up the face of Galbar to hide it under a more orderly pattern of water. But it did not matter. Her resting place was fitting and Jvan would remain here. The algae around her was already growing strange in her presence, extending and looping and tangling into mats and stalks in her presence and her body, giving much of her lower half a hairlike green tint. The brusque shove of [b]Zephyrion[/b] at first unsettled her, chilling and fuelling the growth in the Fractal Sea at random turns, and she wondered if that artful god had not also succumbed to a flaw as had Vestec; But his great wisdom prevailed, and soon the diversity of seasons became regular and desirable. Resting here, she was a garden, and an observatory. The ideas were already flowing, and the best of them came with the fall of perhaps- [i][color=9e0b0f]Certainly-[/color][/i] the purest deity of them all. Freed of her protective web by the un- and re-ravelling of the Disunity, the sarcophagus of the [b]Rottenbone[/b] made its descent over many orbits, and though it was far, she could sense the emergence of her sister-god in the splendour of resurrection. From the glowing depths of her core, Jvan focused her light into a thin whine, then spat into the air an [url=http://strangesounds.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mysterious-metallic-spheres-vietnam.jpg]array[/url] [url=http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/rawfile/2013/05/623-660x541.jpg]of[/url] [url=http://www.somepets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/animal-eye3.jpg]strange[/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9d/8d/d7/9d8dd74fb1b6429029007038f3bb3090.jpg]eyes[/url], which scattered and orbited the planet in crazed loops and eccentricities before coming to rest. Most landed in the Deepwood. Soon, all cracked and leaked strange, colourful ichor onto the barren earth. One of only two that survived had the blessed luck to be pulled into the zephyrs of the Celestial Citadel as it would soon be formed, and there it would remain, a glittering spectator rolling over polished and perfect flaws, pushed around by the breath of the [b]First Gale[/b], sustained by the magic built into every brick by the [b]Mason[/b]. [i][color=9e0b0f]Teknall paints in stone, and he does paint well, I see, in elegant lines and arches like the canopy of a forest. And my sister- Oh, but perhaps she is observing the premise of something. Isn't this such a good place for the gods to play together?[/color][/i] The other found rest in the Valley of Peace, where an [b]Angel[/b] resided in a calming, colourful mist that brought stability to the eye of Jvan. These mountains were pleasant and healing, and full of energy, and the Engineer admired their tranquil architecture. [color=9e0b0f][i]And yet, though it soothes, it lacks change. It is a palace without a song. It is a bone without flesh, like my own sea.[/i][/color] Niciel could be trusted to continue. Like her, she had planned and invested energy in the future, and Jvan looked forward to the day when her eye would see life behind the mist. The Mother Goddess was always dependable. It did not matter about the rest. In just a few years, or days, or minutes, Jvan had seen much, and she was well pleased. For years her core emitted a soft, mauve glimmer as she processed the information, sensing, dreaming, beckoning for samples of wood and bone to traverse the currents of the Sea's thousand inlets and come to her across the ocean. If all the inspiration and joy of seeing so many shapes and colours of flesh in their endless number of unique, shared dances were documented, a truly bizarre and ecstatic tome of theories and half-finished designs would be given to the world. In those days the only regret of the Engineer was that she had not held the egg of the Deer God closer, buried it deeper within her, so that even the Catalysis of Creation would not have separated the two. For by the time her first samples of the Deepwood reached her from across the Fractal Sea, they had greyed in the sun and been bloated by the water, and they were few. [i][color=9e0b0f]When I am rested, I shall cast off from myself an aspect of myself; I shall travel though I remain, and with eyes I shall behold the source of all this.[/color][/i] And yet what she had was more than sufficient. From her samples, Jvan regenerated the original species and watched them flounder, float, and sink around her. Crafted by an artist who knew nothing but what she made, and made nothing less than what she was. They were beautiful in life and death and decay. Again and again Jvan birthed them, grew them, and let them end, each time creating more copies, each time emboldened in her experiments by her observations. She twisted their bones, sliced them, fused them to one another, pumped fluids between shared veins, dissected, added and re-combined them in many different ways. An axis of double symmetry became a [url=https://thetruthbehindthescenes.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/deep-sea-jellyfish1.jpg]radial point[/url] for three, or four, or five. A spine became a [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0767/7695/files/Pod.jpg?2997219739728527002]shell[/url], a ribcage an [url=http://img15.deviantart.net/b075/i/2014/043/6/b/alien_sea_creatures_by_simonfetscher-d766r3m.jpg]exoskeleton[/url]. [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/createacryptid/images/d/d3/Monstro.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150605161726]Fins[/url] were pinched out of skin and limb. Trees flexed and were grown into animals, became something [url=http://www.boulder.swri.edu/~durda/fxphd/lilypad_tree_01.jpg]amphibious[/url] and [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Soft_coral_Nick_Hobgood.jpg]new[/url]. That which produced its own light she particularly liked, and [url=http://www.eternalgod.org/images/alien-octo.jpg]emulated[/url]. From just traces of matter from the Deepwood, Jvan used her thrumming core to use, and set about to begin the task of beautifying the Fractal Sea. Resurrected flesh adapted well and poorly to the habitat, some weak and limp in the water while others scattered their meagre population traversed the waters from end to end, travelling before they had even started to establish a breeding population. Even as the work continued night and day, the force of Jvan's core was not enough to multiply her sculptures into stable breeding numbers, and she yearned to have access to some of the original stuff, the blood of the wilderness. Thus she called into being a small entity that was mostly fluid, enclosed it in a translucent pink amniotic sac like a bubble, and pinched out of it numerous oddly-angled wings of veiny membrane. As Jvan spoke into the tiny thing, in a message written more in light and emotion than in words, an embryo grew within the bubble, fueled by a placenta injected with energy drained from the Other, an embryo little more than an array of mouths and glowing glands and a small brain to carry the message. Should her request be in some way translated from feeling into sound, perhaps it would have read such: [color=9e0b0f]"Slough, sister, daughter and mother, your touch has reached this world and made it whole. Rest well, and find fresh pastures in which to wander. But I have grown to dearly miss your presence. I have moulded life to fit in the oceans which seed the rain, yet I cannot grow it as much or as wide as you do. So come, and join me in my bathing. Create for yourself, too, a Sea, into which you may tread life. It shall surely join itself to mine by its inlets. For much of the world beyond the Deepwood is barren, and I wish to see it filled such that you and I may wander together and find beauty in all things."[/color] The oddly-winged little messenger angel flitted into the night sky, where it would seek out the Doe and give birth, granted that she wasn't distracted by some divine trickster, or it was perhaps driven away from her by a particularly large body of flesh. Somewhere, the [b]Releaser[/b] was preparing a chamber in which to perfect the cyclic passage of death, and Jvan wished idly that she could see how such a thing was put together to encapsulate such a critical part of life. Elsewhere, in a sky that puzzled but intrigued the Engineer, a wholly different chain of thought was preparing to come upon Jvan, one more lasting, and considerably more dangerous. The moons pleased her with their variety of shape and the way they tugged and scuffled over the weight of her ocean. The approach of the [b]Unborn[/b] pleased her... Less. It took a while for Jvan to breathe into another messaging angel. This one held only words as it flitted off into space to seek out its charge. [color=9e0b0f]"Vulamera. Unborn god who rejects form. Scribe of Souls yet to come. I see that you are perceptive, curious, and rightfully doubting, and I will treat well the rules of diplomacy and return what honesty you may have given me with what truths I can. I do not like you, but of all my siblings, I also do not understand you. And I am not sure if you understand [i]me[/i]. The value of an artist is in what they create, and we are gods. The divine flesh, too, is our creation. You quote my very being when you speak of diversity, and yet, above all others, the Lord of Science should know this: [i]One cannot add to beauty by adding void.[/i] Look at yourself! When I last tasted your design, it was black and without shape, like the Orbs of Julkolfyr are now! The essence of Jvan accepts all, even Vestec, even, though I swallow him with difficulty, Logos. Not so for one that contributed nothing to our gallery of bodies. I have judged you by your craft, and found you wanting. ...And yet. You experiment, as I. You [i]do[/i] create, and I know that you have finesse. Then, if you will continue to contradict yourself, at least grant me this, for it is worth more to me than a gift that is already glorious without my effort: Take Mirus for your property and sculpt it as you desire. Paint it with any essence that pleases you, and I will accept it as good. If you are so deeply crippled in your nature as to deny yourself your own canvas, then continue to create what you love elsewhere. [i]Express yourself.[/i] Keep unto yourself your other personal moons as well, though I find them bland and waiting further touch. Even if I possessed one, I must stay here with my work and my favourite muse, the Rottenbone, whose freedom I value more than the universe itself. Existence, too, we can make. Only sister can never be replaced. And, I mean... It's not as if I can move, anyway."[/color] [hider=The Kawaii Engineer]Jvan, no longer able to uproot her body and inspect the world manually, scatters small, short-lived sensory organs into orbit. They give her a good, if superficial, look at Galbar's surface before they wear out and collapse. The two that fell into Holy Sites, the Valley of Peace and the Celestial Citadel, survive. Pleased by what she's seen in the Deepwood, she beckons driftwood and bones driven by the current towards her, regenerates them back into the creations of Slough and then edits and recombines them to make their bodies reflect their new aquatic environment, though despite some of the larger ones being wanderers, they only have one small breeding population around her. As a level 2 Beauty goddess, this is a free Domain action. She sends a message to Slough, encoded non-verbally, to create an ocean for herself as well and fill it with more life. She uses a similar messenger to respond to Vulamera, beseeching her to take Mirus and continue creating something beautiful to express herself even if she believes that her own body cannot change. Level 3 0 Might 0 Free Points[/hider]