[sub][sub][h3][i]Unknown Location - Test of the Faceless[/i][/h3][/sub][/sub][hr] Moans, gurgles, and grunts permeated the hazy atmosphere as the faceless bandits took up their impromptu formation and awaited any would be attackers, their featureless skin almost foaming with excitement from a mouth it could not conjure. Rusted and worn weapons clutched tight in hand, the identical marauders seemed to catch on to an idea of some sort as their heads whipped about and their subtle movements became a bit more erratic. Nicholas was the first to step forward and, instinctively, a lone enemy took his own steps forward to meet the rather courageous mercenary who mourned the seeming loss of his prized steed. With a sturdy shield in hand and a savage blade in the other, Nicholas poured his weight into a strong upper slash that almost cleaved his foe in two. His enemy stood however, unfazed from the attack and almost appearing to be unimpressed. With its own savage blade, the first of the acting faceless sent its own offense hurling towards the mercenary, cutting along the horizon and meeting the hardy shield that lie in wait to protect its owner. The strength of the attack sent Nicholas sliding backwards, but luckily unharmed--luckily. As the magic of a brightly lit arrow burst forth and illuminated more of the smoky surroundings -- revealing only more smoke, but a more detailed view of the enemy at least -- Fiona, the Order of the Burning Light's budding warrior, timed her movements with those of Nicholas and moved in swiftly behind the man before breaking off and launching an assault at the Faceless nearest. Unlike its brethren, this twin preferred the brute force of a blunt club which appeared to be made of wood and bone, but menacingly glared at the group. Though her attack was much wider than Nicholas', something about the form was serene, technical like years had been spent refining these movements until they gracefully connected to one another and allowed one to effortlessly move in and out of spaces with relative ease. In spite of this beauty however, metal met supernatural bone and bounced off the hardened defense allowing the angry Faceless to rear back and bring down a fierce, powerful swing that was narrowly evaded thanks to the apparent swiftness Fiona had gained in her order training. Erickson, the hefty knight in the heaviest armor, manically laughed as took on yet another lone Faceless attempting to impale the thing and end it all in one strike--as seemed to be his wont to do based on appearances alone. His longsword forced its way into the chest of the faceless bandit and broke through its back from the sheer force the God Eater applied. If nothing else, Erickson was as strong as he appeared to be though he missed a crucial detail. The Faceless moved forward, the blade sinking deeper into its chest until only the hilt remained visible from the front. Once in range, the unarmed monster curled a fist which took on the properties of stone and bashed the armored knight in his visor. Supernatural strength sent the God Eater backwards, bringing the sword of the bandit with him, and took him to one knee briefly. Cocking its head to one side, the Faceless only stood as the wound from its impalement slowly healed. The final two faceless watched their comrades attack and be attacked without so much as a single indicator of emotion. Though they appeared human, it was clear that these creatures were not complete beings. Be it that they lacked a reasoning mind or the soul of a living individual one could not discern, but they did not behave in a way that suggested they were fighting to cling on to [i]something[/i] unlike most of the natural world with its various purpose and goals intertwined in their combative encounters. No, these creatures seemed to only attack [i]because[/i] the group -- namely Nicholas -- had decided to attack them first even as it did not appear as though they were defending themselves either. Sister Ezheia seemingly caught on to this fact before she let the air of battle infect her body and sent an arrow whizzing straight through the neck of another unfazed Faceless. Annalynne's body language and expression were inclined to agree and without the weight of peer pressure forcing her into combat--she did not move, but only surveyed the situation as events unfolded around her. In the end, Senua achieved what seemed to be an impossible feat. The last unwarranted faceless fell headless as Senua's broadsword butchered its neck and left its head rolling away into the invisibility of the heavy fog and smoke. Black liquid pooled from the newly opened cavity and as massive amounts seeped around the entire form of the motionless bandit, skin and clothes began to melt and merge with the bubbling substance. It gave off a strong aroma of ash and cinders mixed with the rotting stench of dying flesh and decaying organs. Somehow, someway, Senua had been successfully able to kill one of the creatures proving that, though they were not of this realm, their like could still be felled by man-made weaponry and prowess. Marcus looked on in amazement as the admittedly young looking member of the party now looked to be something more like a warrior in his eyes. Maybe that broadsword was for more than decoration after all. With a new confidence, Marcus unsheathed his blade once more. [hider=Battle Summary] Nicholas - Attack was ineffective, but he is unharmed luckily Fiona - Attack blocked, but her agility was boosted in this situation for unknown reasons. She is unharmed. Erickson - Damaged his enemy, but also received a blow with magical infusion. 100 HP loss Sister Ezheia - Unharmed due to a long range attack, but attack was ineffective Annalynne - Did not attack, unharmed Senua - Killed a faceless somehow. Attack was super effective Marcus - Did not attack, unharmed[/hider]