[@Nevix][@Theobromine] Illias watched the two in front of her in an attempt to follow the conversation. Some words they used didn't mean much of anything to her, since the language was still settling in her mind and she had taken an incomplete version of it to start with. She was so intent with the conversation, in fact, that it took her a minute to realize they were both looking at her as if expecting an answer. [color=violet]"Ah, my apologies, my name is Illiasriel."[/color] She shook her head, rising to her feet unsteadily. [color=violet]"I am not injured so much as perhaps needing attention. If it is not too much trouble, could one of you lend me your shoulder and show me the way to the doctor?"[/color] She noted her word for healer translated into several different things, but the best fit seemed to be doctor. The girl, Kathy, had mentioned a nurse though, so perhaps that was the better match? Honestly, what she really needed was time. Time to acclimatize, time to eat and restore her atrophied muscles, and time to learn.