The boy felt the orange soda drip down his body and onto the floor. To add to the mess, a burger was rubbed onto his face. Cleaning this off would be [i]delightful[/i]. His stare was empty and emotionless as his twin yelled in frustration. He kind of felt sick to his stomach for not realizing his sisters were dressed like tramps. Taking a deep breath in and out, he let his sister finish. His mind went back to memories of Kylie's tantrums, from when she was a little girl up until their parents died, how was his dad able to handle this? [center][h3][b]~[/b][/h3][/center] Sitting at the dining room table, Riley, now a ten year old boy, wearing a white tee, black boxers, and a blue flannel bathrobe, ate papa's signature soup while listening to his twin scream. [color=salmon]"DADDY! It's not fair! I want to play games, why can't you get [i]Riley[/i] to clean up [i]my[/i] mess? We do everything together anyways."[/color] This tantrum had been going on for almost thirty minutes now. The boy had missed school for the day because he had an extremely sore throat. He would rather have gone to school to hang out with Tara and his boy crew, but his mother didn't want his throat to get worse. The older man, Roderick Reese, decided to take the day off from the diner to spend it with his twins. For once their mother, Ophelia Reese, was at the diner making her face known and serving excellent customer service. It was nice to change things up from time to time. They had a larger staff back then. After their parents died, the staff members started dwindling because people didn't think a bunch of kids could take care of a business. He explained to his red haired daughter that Riley was sick and shouldn't have to clean a mess he didn't make. But Kylie being the most emotionally unstable of his sisters continued to yell. [color=salmon]"YOU HATE ME DON'T YOU?! Everyone gets to have fun but me!"[/color] Riley wanted to cut in to help his dad but instead, he watched the scene unfold from his seat. His father didn't strike the little girl, who was throwing her goldfishes at him. Instead, he stood there... [i]silent[/i] and continued what he was doing. It seemed that his sister didn't like the silent treatment. She began tugging onto her father's pants, with tears welling up in her blue eyes, [color=salmon]"DADDY! DADDY! Daddy..."[/color] She sprawled onto the floor and let the waterfall of tears pour out. Shortly after, she began to pick up her goldfishes, pouty face and all, and toss it in the trash. Finishing his soup, Riley grabbed his bowl and gave it to his father. His dad smiled at him and it seemed like his father already knew what his son was going to do. Offering his hand to Kylie, Rye smiled at his sister, [color=seagreen]"I'll help you clean your mess, if you help me get better."[/color][center][h3][b]~[/b][/h3][/center] Riley watched his twin dial his girlfriend's number. He didn't let his emotions build up, though he had no idea how she even got Claire's number in the first place. He prayed that his girlfriend didn't trust anything Kylie said and had faith in him... however, they had only been dating for two weeks. Riley didn't know what to expect but he did know if Claire got upset over this, perhaps, they weren't a good match. The twin sighed at the thought, his stomach still turning at the sad fact he stared at all his sisters (minus Sophi) sexually. Turning to his Taramisu and Elliot, he dismissed himself, acting like Kylie wasn't even there and that she didn't just pour/throw her lunch at him, [color=seagreen]"I'll be back. I'm going to check on my sisters."[/color] Turning back to face Kylie, who was now stuck in a phone call, his stare went right through her. Riley walked slowly around her and went to his baby sisters. The sickness grew in his stomach as he got closer to them... Ollie and Zoey... their attire was nothing he'd ever expect to see them in. Why, why, why, why, why, why.... The family of three (Jerry, Nana, Jude) had come into the food court and sat at a table near his two baby sisters. This did make him nervous since the older man had been observing his surroundings... but he hoped the guy wouldn't interfere. Riley's day was already pretty shitty. But if the man did interfere, the twin wouldn't hold it against him. A bunch of kids making a scene in the mall in front of his child? Hell, if Riley were a father, he'd set these damn teenagers straight. Riley gave the family an apologetic stare, the mother's exotic, green eyes met with his as she gave him a warm smile. Something that translated to him as: [color=limegreen]Don't worry about it[/color]. He felt his phone vibrate which could be either James or Sophi...or maybe Claire? At the moment, his mind was set on getting his sisters out of this damn place, so he'd check his phone when he got home. Keeping his composure, Riley met eyes with both his baby sisters, [color=seagreen]"Lets go home, okay?"[/color] After he asked the question, his stomach had met his maker. He couldn't stand seeing his sisters like this, Riley ran to the nearest garbage and let his breakfast fly out. This morning was terrible... After he was done puking, he got a napkin from the nearest fast food place and cleaned his mouth. A person behind the register gave him a cup filled with ginger ale for free, pitying him. Accepting it gracious, he returned back to his sisters and asked, [color=seagreen]"Do you have sweaters or anything? I'd give you mine... but..."[/color] He was obviously covered in Orange Soda and burger. [sub][@Viciousmarrow][@Snagglepuss89][@Knight of Doom][@Emma][@BilboTheGreat][@Themerlinhawk][/sub]