Jerry’s gaze followed Riley as he walked over and threw up. The whole show had been something he’d normally have stayed out of on a day off; after all he was trying to enjoy an afternoon. Nana and Jude had turned into a rather nice diversion but now the group of teenagers was really starting to draw looks and if the fight between the two escalated he would really have to get involved. If they were family members it would be worse. The law dictated that if one of them hit the other he’d have to take one of them to jail. It was a little known part of the domestic violence penal code but it applied to all family members. Best to stop the fight now before someone had to come back to the jail with him. Standing up Jerry gave Nana and Jude an apologetic smile. [color=silver]”Okay you two, if you need to head home hopefully I’ll see you around. If not then I’ll hopefully be back in just a minute. I don’t feel like arresting anyone for assault or disturbing the peace today so I’m just going to make sure everything is okay.”[/color] A sad expression fell on Jude’s face as the make-believe family was coming to a close, he stood silent and stared at the ground. The pain in Nana seeing her son frown at seeing this man go made her do something irrational and not something she would normally do. Taking out of her purse her planner, she ripped out a piece of paper and scribbled her number on it. Handing it to the officer, she said lowly, [color=limegreen]”Give me a call sometime… we would love to see you again.”[/color] She didn’t look at him in the eyes, a little embarrassed at giving her number to someone she had just met. Within seconds, Jude’s mood changed. He now had a big grin and began entertaining future adventures with Jerry. Before Jerry left to take care of the public disturbance, Jude giggled, [color=palegreen]”I’ll see you later Dehputee Richmun!”[/color] Jerry smiled at Nana and Jude surprise showing up in his face at Nana giving him her number. [color=silver]“Thank you, I will. As soon as I get moved in I think I’m going to do a Barbeque or something for the neighbors and anyone I’ve gotten to be friends with so I’ll be sure and let you know that way you and Jude can come join us.”[/color] With that taken care of a hard look dropped into place over Jerry’s normally mellow face as he made a beeline straight for Riley who was standing sipping on a ginger ale he’d been handed. As he approached he noticed that the two girls still seated looked awful young. Passing Olivia and Zoey; Jerry wrinkled his nose slightly. That was a smell he wasn’t going to misplace. His eyes narrowed as he kept walking towards Riley, this was not what he wanted to be doing on his day off. Stupid kids. [color=silver]”Excuse me.”[/color] Jeremiah held out his badge so Riley could see.[color=silver]”I’m Deputy Richman with Coos County’s Sheriff Department. Are you related to these two young ladies?”[/color] Jerry gestured over his shoulder at Olivia and Zoey. @BilboTheGreat @lovely complex @Emma