Elliot stayed silent as the two made their way into the mall, taking in the familiar sites, and noting what shops had closed since he was last in town. For the most part, he let Riley talk. The twin had really just started maturing when he let town, and it seemed his growth in the "[i]drooling over hot babes[/i]" department had stunted over the years. Caught between amusement disappointment at that thought, Elliot simply smiled to himself in response. It was only a moment later when the two caught up with his friend, and Elliot took a moment to observe her while they talked. [color=00FFBF][i]Albino? Nah, doesn't look like one otherwise. Then again, women have ways...[/i][/color] Of course he studied her eyes first, as he imagined everyone did, but after a couple moments just brushed it off as being contacts. She seemed fit, and overall relaxed. It didn't [i]look[/i] like her eyes were full of insanity, but Elliot imagined to be a friend of the twins you had to have a few screws loose. That, or they held your family hostage. He caught movement out of the corner of his eyes, just as she was starting to speak, but couldn't react fast enough to Kylie approaching like a hurricane. He had tried many times in the future to recall what exactly happened in those next few moments, but the most his brain could ever come up with was: "[color=seagreen]Badinfluence[/color][color=0b5fbd]girlonyourteam[/color][color=salmon]fuckyoubadinfluence?!CrippleboyfriendgonncallClaire[/color][color=seagreen]checkonmysisters[/color]" [color=00FFBF][i]What the fuck is wrong with this family?[/i][/color] Just [i]watching[/i] Kylie explode was exhausting and Elliot made his way over to the fountain and sat down at the edge of it. These siblings were beginning to give him a serious headache. As he passed Kylie the slight smell of weed hit his nose, and made him even more annoyed. If she was this much of a fucking spazz when high he hated the idea of her sober. [color=00FFBF][i]She hasn't changed a bit.[/i][/color] In fact, it seemed most of the Reeses hadn't changed much in the time he was gone. Sure, it seemed the youngest girls had developed a sudden allergy to clothing, which he made special note of to discuss later, but so far every acted more or less the same. It would almost be nostalgic if it didn't worry him. That, and it was starting to be a serious pain in his ass. And face. "[color=00FFBF]It's Elliot, by the way Kylie. We used to know each other.[/color]" If there was any Reese whose anger Elliot didn't care about it was Kylie. She had always been about as stable as nitroglycerin, and her words had little impact. He had long since come to terms with his missing leg and the notion of being crippled. Before she had a chance to blow up on him for daring to speak, he looked up to the woman who was now standing next to him and offered a hand. "[color=00FFBF]- Like I just said, the name's Elliot. I don't think we've met.[/color]"