Cara got a little uncomfortable as the Fotian grabbed her, but she was careful that he only grabbed her around the waist and didn't find out ot quickly her other arm was a weapon. It seemed like they were about to leave, with Garooda throwing the jewels to Eden, so she decided now would be a good time to get away. She shoved off of him with her hand, and faced him more directly. Unfortunately now all of her features were clear. [color=5e29e3][b]"Oooh, I'm not to sure about meeting a large group of people. I was really just hoping to get to know you, and your captain there looks way to scary for me. It looks like your leaving now anyways. Maybe I can meet you at your next destination? Where are you headed next?"[/b][/color] She wasn't sure if he'd still be intrested enough to tell her anything more, but it was worth a shot before he left. She already got that some sacred artifact was taken from them. Garaten was rather disappointed the fight had ended the way it had. He wished the brat had gotten a little discipline, but with his skills it seems that either Garooda would have had to seriously hurt him to do anything. Garaten was familiar with Garooda's strength and that was barely a fraction of it. He was well disciplined though and since Eden had felled him, he declared Eden the winner and paid up. Still rather indignantly though, but what can you expect from a Fotian. They always were sore losers. Garaten called for a waitress to get a refill of his original drink. He was still enjoying his relaxing morning. He noticed a large group of some weird looking descendants come in as well. [color=85e11a][i]I've never seen so many Nero all together before. Unless they're not Nero?[/i][/color] The bar owner was either playing dumb pretty well or he really didn't know anything. He did give out the name Mirror, which Krutik had heard rumors of him being high ranking in the Aion. It seemed like the bar owner was done with Krutik, until he gave him a second look. When he offered Krutik a job, he was done with the bar owner. He replied with an unamused face. [color=ee0f0f][b]"Thanks, but I'm not looking for work."[/b][/color] With that he walked away, back to his table. [color=ee0f0f][i]If Mirror is the one everyone's after our mission is going to have to change. I wonder how Cara's doing.[/i][/color] The girl removed her hood and looked intently into Tamara's eyes. She didn't notice it at first and saw the other looking around the room. When Sai introduced herself and said not to scream, she noticed the stare and thought it a little weird. Without time to say or do anything though, she was thrown somewhere else. She realized she was being squished, or more like just held. She looked to her left and there was Allo hugging her from one side, and looking to her right she saw Garaten holding her as well. She had no idea how she got there, but all she knew was that there embrace felt warm and safe. As much as she came off as a lover of the exciting, this was the happiest place she could be. Unfortunately for her, it ended a moment later and she was brought back to the room with Sai and the other one. [color=568b51][b]"What on Pro was that!"[/b][/color] The two seemed to take nothing of it, and now they somehow knew her name. The man even had the gall to dismiss her. If it weren't for years of training with Garaten, she would be a full blown dragon right now. [color=568b51][b]"Yeah right I'm dismissed, but you two are explaining yourselves now."[/b][/color] They seemed to be completely ignoring her and going about their own conversation casually. Tamara was having a hard time controlling herself with these two. Then some new guy entered through mist in the floor boards. He didn't look like he was speaking but Tamara still heard him. [color=568b51][i]Who is this guy? Who is Sygma? Guide them home safely in exchange for the blood seal?[/i][/color] Sai yelled it first as she threw a book at this Makhaira, but Tamara was thinking the same thing. Sai now turned to Tamara as she explained their situation a little. Tamara began to calm down, but as Sai explained how she read her mind and questioned her master's trustworthiness and explained how she thought Garaten 'owning' her was sadistic, she lost it. Once Rai left, She gave a mighty leap, diving at Sai and pinning her to the bed. Claws grew out and dug into the mattress securing the woman down. With a strange green glow in her eyes and serated teeth she spoke to Sai. [color=568b51][b]"If you read my mind you should know how trustworthy my 'master' is. My 'master' is also the reason I'm not gnawing on your head right now. Garaten has helped me a lot and I help him in return. Now please, explain what is going on then Gare and I will help you."[/b][/color] Tamara was still on top of Sai, but her features had calmed again and her grip lightened up as well. Tamara knew she was technically a slave, but she liked to think of herself as more of Garaten's sidekick. He treated her well, and even if given the option to leave him, she probably wouldn't.