[b]Autumn of 2719[/b] As the leaves that still remain un-scorched by war fall from the trees, the air grows cold and the nights long and dark. With the approaching winter comes the Darkness once more, in heavy numbers and all across Alria, people suffer at the hands of the Shadow. And for the first time since the Great Alliance fell, reports of the Arch-Lich himself are spreading like wildfire through the surviving nations. Once more standing beside their allies against the Darkness, [b]New Engelica[/b] experiences the strength of the Darkness, but also begins to unravel weaknesses in the creatures that are sent against them. Aided by their conjured Familiars, the proud magical nation continues to act as a bulwark of hope against the onrushing foe, even as they begin to truly understand the truly dark magic’s that they face. While other nations, when stripped of perhaps their greatest strength, would fall back behind their mighty walls, [b]Tushienia[/b] rallies its forces and leads a charge into the land of Darkness, following the example of the Broken Empire far to the south, and driving out the Shadow from the land, although the price is high. Foul black clouds bring with them terrible new discoveries about the power of the Darkness, and this news will no doubt be spread among the proud nation’s many allies. The [b]Broken Empire[/b] once more march into the foul lands of the Shadow, aided by the Dolarti Tribesmen who, having fled into the Empire’s land for safety now march alongside their saviours to reclaim their stolen lands, just as they do as Bripiak too reclaims lost lands from the Darkness. To the North, aiding their fellow Dwarves of Orngat, the Darkness is beaten back by a contingent of War-Magi and Mechanical Warriors from the Empire, wiping out the scouting party of the Shadow. For the [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b], the summer was bloody and proved to any who doubted it, the pure power that the Darkness possesses. Standing with their allies to the North, Zakol helped beat back hideous, nightmarish creatures at a bloody cost, while in their own lands their defences are barely tested. A flood of refugees, warriors and civilians from the Krognar Tribe, barely make it to the safety of Zakol before their home is consumed by the Darkness. Aided by their allies, the [b]Republic of Andinon[/b] face indescribable horrors as they desperately fight to hold their lines against the unrelenting hordes of the Shadow that continue to test their defences time and time again. And yet even as they struggle below, the proud Gnomish Dirigibles take to the air and scout the lands of the Darkness, searching for some chink in the Shadows defence that they can exploit. Beset by foul monsters of Darkness, the [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b] fight desperately to hold back the Shadow, and succeed. And yet there is no time for celebration as the Darkness continues to encircles the island nation, another of the northern islands being consumed by the creatures, leaving the Republic far from allies and faced with an immensely powerful enemy. [b]Orngat[/b], once more assailed by the Shadow, beats the creatures back again, aided by both of their trusted allies, the Elves of New Engelica and the Dwarves of the Broken Empire. Desperate to greater understand their foe, Orngat seeks to dissect the monsters they have already defeated, hoping to glean any kind of weaknesses that may aid them in the future. [b][u]New Traits[/u][/b] [b]In the Face of Adversity:[/b] As the Darkness continues to slaughter the defenders of the proud nations of Alria, a surge of defiance rises and new waves of men and woman, eager to fight and die for their country, leads to increased recruitment across all provinces [i](Allows 2 Army Units to be trained per Province as opposed to the normal 1)[/i] [b]Tracking the Arch-Lich:[/b] Whether it is through simple tracking, the findings of machines or following the winds of magic, the Arch-Lich, the driving force behind the Darkness, can be tracked and hunted [i](You will be able to detect the vague location of the Arch Lich)[/i] [b]Hand-Cannons:[/b] [i](Requires Cannons)[/i] Recognizing the need for more formidable firepower in the face of the hideous monsters of the Darkness, engineers have been able to shrink down the Cannon into one that can be either carried manually by adapted Arquebussers, or indeed strapped onto the chassis of Mechanical Warriors [i](Give your Arquebussers an advantage in combat and gives Mechanical Warriors ranged capability)[/i] [b]Dark Magic:[/b] [i](Requires 3 other Divine/Elemental/Necromancy Traits)[/i] Faced by the ever adapting Darkness, desperate measures must be taken. By harnessing magics so dark that even Necromancer's dared not touch them, your nation's Magi unlock a whole plethora of ungodly powerful sorcery. [i](Allows to use of Dark Magic (More traits will appear of Dark Magic over time))[/i] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/cd67/f/2016/053/6/4/map_by_romerorp-d9sqvh1.png[/img] [b][u]MAP KEY[/u][/b] [hider] [u][b]Provinces 1-24[/b][/u] [hider]Province 1 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 2 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 3 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 4 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 5 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 6 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 7 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 8 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 9 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 10 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 11 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 12 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 13 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 14 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 15 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 16 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 17 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 18 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 19 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 20 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 21 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 22 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 23 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 24 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 25-61[/u][/b] [hider]Province 25 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 26 - [b]Iparis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 27 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 28 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 29 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 30 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 31 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 32 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 33 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 34 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 35 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 36 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 37 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 38 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 39 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 40 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 41 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 42 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 43 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 44 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 45 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 46 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 47 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 48 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 49 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 50 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 51 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 52 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 53 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 54 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 55 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 56 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 57 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 58 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 59 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 60 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 61 - [b]Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 62-70[/u][/b] [hider]Province 62 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 63 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 64 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 65 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 66 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 67 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 68 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 69 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 70 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i][/hider][/hider]