[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Alfred Nora[/color] , [color=9850E0]Sonya Khalturin[/color] ,Proffessor Maple, and[color=steelblue]'Rook' Vaahn Alphine[/color][/h1][/center] Alfred had all but filtered out what the kids had been saying, except where the professor was located. He was in the Lab. As soon as those words reached Carolina's ears she was off like a bullet towards the lab, a speck of blue on the cobbles of the road. Of course, Alfred started running after his pokemon with a look of concern on his face. "Carolina wait!" he said between breaths. Sapphire was running after him and Lock was just appearing to be stationary with Alfreds movement, floating above his head, as they hurried towards the lab. Scratching the side of her head and laughing awkwardly because of Alfred's lack of manners yet again. She would realy need to talk to him about this issue later. Sonya, on the other hand, was respectful and stayed to listen to the two kids until they left before she ran to catch up to Alfred. Though as she ran she couldn't help but smile because of Brent and his Cyndaquil. It reminded her of when she first started. Plus it was cool to meet a couple of new trainers from Johto, not that she had time to discuss anything with them. Carolina, like a walking tank, burst through the doors of the lab. She was a free Amaura, small, pretty and definity adventurous. She walked over to a potted plant checking if it was anything she didn't know. Sadly, she knew it, and she let out a slight sigh as she continued to look for things to view, ever vigilant, ever watchful. A few moments after Carolina burst through. In came Alfred, Sapphire and Lock. Both were panting heavily as if they had ran a marathon. But they really were just trying to catch up to Carolina. Lock was just hovering over Alfreds head as always. Lock didn't need to show its true speed for such meager tasks. In the back room of the Lab, near a rear loading dock kind of space, Maple was making a few last checks on the supplies they would be taking with them. [color=7ea7d8]"Hmm, okay, excavation equipment, check. Food and medical supplies, check. Shelter, check. Dig Team..."[/color] He peaked around the corner towards a group of people finishing putting some crates in one of their vehicles. [color=7ea7d8]"Check. Looks like everything is in order here, we'll be off any minute now... Oh, my bag, I must have left it in the other room I guess."[/color] He took off back to the main lobby, where he came to an interesting sight: An Amaura, a rare sight indeed, curiously peaking at every little thing in the room. Then he saw the reason why it was here, a boy, almost 18 at his best guess, was in the doorway. [color=7ea7d8]"Well, I must say It's never been so busy when I've been around."[/color] Once she reached the door Sonya stopped running, took a deep breath, and finally walked through the door. To no surprise Lock was hovering above Alfred, who was panting next to Sapphire. And then there was Carolina, who was...Well she was everywhere. She hadn't really noticed the professor though. [color=9850E0]"Alfred! You shouldn't keep running off and ignoring everyone we meet! It's completely ridiculous, not to mention rude! Didn't anyone teach you how to act in public!?"[/color] Sonya started ranting still oblivious to the professor. Alfred looked back to see Sonya who walked through the door. He was about to apologize to her for running on ahead after his pokemon. Yet she started yelling and ranting and him, much to his wide eyed face. Sapphire was on his side with the wide eyed look of 'What the hay.' Professor Maple stepped forward, a standard Pokeball in hand. [color=7ea7d8]"Please, we don't want to disturb the Pokemon with all this yelling do we?"[/color] He looked over the two of them, they were a few years apart, but they just kind of worked together. He glanced over the boys Pokemon, now in full attendance. The Amaura, a Klefki above his head, and... Interesting, a Shiny Kirlia. [color=7ea7d8]"It's been a while since I've seen a shiny Pokemon, and one as beautiful as this surely is a rare sight. Also, I suppose you two are here for a reason?"[/color] Blushing lightly, Sonya scratched her cheek with one finger. She didn't mean to be inconsiderate like that, it's just that her temper got the best of her sometimes. What he said about Sapphire was true though. She would do amazing in contests, though that didn't seem to be Alfred's forté. [color=9850E0]"Sorry sir..."[/color] Sonya said quietly while looking down at her feet, still a little embarrassed. Alfred and Sapphire blinked a few times after their literally wided eyed fear of a womans ranting. So a few moments later after hearing the professor's talking and Sonyas apologizing to the professor, they both were finally back into reality. Sapphire spoke first. Her voice could be heard in the professors mind and In Alfreds and Sonya's. "Beautiful?" Then a few moments later "Nah!" The voice would be fuzzy, due to it being a strangers wavelength, just like it was with Sonya currently. Yet it was coming clear in Alfreds mind. It seemed Sapphire really didn't care for her appearance as pretty as it was. "So yea, Professor, I guess I am here for a Pokedex, and a maybe, quite possibly, if you have a map of the region?" Alfred said as Carolina walked up to the professor and started tugging at his clothes. Lock meanwhile was starting to eye the professor with a sort of glee that only a child would have. Maple patted the Amaura on the head lightly, managing to distract her from his clothes. [color=7ea7d8]"You have quite a lively bunch here. Give me a moment, I'll get some things from the back."[/color] As he walked into the back again, he checked the time. 2:55 PM, okay, he still had plenty of time, as long as he didn't get dragged into another long conversation. He grabbed a Pokedex, and remembered what he had said about the map. He looked over a few shelves, and finally found something that probably hadn't seen the light of day in years. He returned out to the front room with the items. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm sorry, but I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment, or I would have gotten you some homemade lemonade for some refreshment. But here.. uh... I'm sorry, I don't think I even got your name yet I was in such a hurry. Whatever the case, here, this is a Viore Regional Pokedex, and take this as a gift for your journey in replacement of the Lemonade, I haven't used the thing in years anyways."[/color] Maple handed over the Pokedex, along with a very dust covered Pokegear, painted in standard blue. Maple looked over to the girl in the room as well, noticing the Pokedex in her pocket. [color=7ea7d8]"Ah, good, it seems you already have one, it saves me a little time. Now, If you'll excuse me, uh... again I've forgotten introductions."[/color] Sonya gave a friendly smile before responding finally. [color=9850E0]"I'm Sonya, it's a pleasure to run into you this time Professor. Oh, and I hope this won't take too much of your time, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me figure out when the first contest will be?"[/color] She could only hope the professor would have the time to answer that simple question, though after bursting in here like she had, it's not like it'd be surprising if the professor said figure it out for yourself. Alfred watched as the Professor fumbled around with a few shelves and returned with both a Pokedex and a old dusty Pokegear. To be frank Alfred never actually had a pokegear, didn't usually need one as Carolina always memorised routes for him. Yet it would seem useful if he hadn't traversed the unknown areas yet. So never the less he accepted the gift. "Thanks, Professor, I'll put both of these to good use. Also the name is Alfred by the by." He said. "This Kirlia here, she's called Sapphire." He continued . "Yup." Sapphire said in everyones head in response to Alfreds declaration of her name. "And currently we are trying to fulfill each of our goals." Alfred finished. Maple nodded after the two introduced themselves. [color=7ea7d8]"Sonya and Alfred, I'll be sure to remember those. And that Kirlia of yours, telepathy is a rare ability, it may attract much unwanted attention.[/color] Maple thought for a moment, but it was apparent Sonya's question would be somewhat hard to answer. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm quite sure the Pokemon Center would be a good place to check, I can't help you much with that. That being said, I have a ruin to explore, so if you'd excuse me... oh, and you would be?"[color] Maple addressed the odd trainer far behind the two, being trailed by a Sylveon. While the others had run ahead a bit, after somewhat ignoring the two kids who spoke to them all, Vaahn himself scratched his head as he looked at the two kids. [color=steelblue]"Uhm... Sorry, Seems they are a bit... busy... I shouldn't get left behind... I think..."[/color] He said to the pair before hurrying after the two others. However he stopped momentairily outside the lab, looking around the surroundings before taking a few quick notes about what he could see (the shape of the building and nearby objects of interest as well as any security he could see outside). However he would then slip in slightly to the side and check it out as well as much as the construciton allowed at least. It seemed that the security had been upped quite recently, cameras and other things would certainly make any attempts to do anything here quite difficult. Thus he nodded to himself as he slipped a pokeball into a bush before he went inside. The two were already full on their way to harass the one who obviously was the professor and Vaahn himself mostly stood in the background as the others were drawing enough attention that he was, for a while at least, unnoticed. Inside there seemed to be a security guard and lab hands, stuff that would further make things difficult. Yet he went to take a drink by a water machine while waiting gently giving it a pat at the back when he sat his glass down. That way he could 'accidentally' leave a usb stick behind it before returning to the others. The usb stick would then float away slowly along the wall, soundlessly and nigh hard to spot as it stuck to weird places. As he returned, it took a while before the professor seemed to take notice of him, and at that time he smiled slightly. [color=steelblue]"Me?... aah, My name is Vaahn sir, I mostly suspected that you wouldn't have time for me..."[/color] He said and glanced to [color=brown]Twix[/color], who cheerfully bounced closer to the professor seeing how he gave out pats to other Pokémon. [color=steelblue]"May I ask where your adventures are taking you this time Professor?... I would have loved a chance for a pop interview for my paper... but if your busy I can fully understand"[/color] He said with pen and paper ready by his hand just in case he would get something to write. [color=7ea7d8]"My, my, what an energetic and handsome Sylveon you have here. And yes unfortunately I do not have time to answer any questions, we are leaving any second now..."[/color] The professor answered, but not completely as one of his aides ran up to him. "Sir, could you come to the back for a second?" Maple nodded, hurrying away with the aide. When they reached the back, the aide told him what had happened. "Professor, it seems someone attempted to breach our firewall no more than five minutes ago." Maple scratched at his head, very confused. [color=7ea7d8]"But who could have done that... hmm, something is amiss in this group."[/color] He brought his goggles over his eyes, they were specially made for his expeditions. They allowed him to see in pitch black dark, and even identify Ghost Type Pokemon, much like the original Silph Scope. He emerged back into the main lobby, looking around the room for anything out of the ordinary. To the rest of them, he may have looked quite odd, but there were methods to his madness. None of the three trainers in the room had done much of anything from what he could see, but perhaps... that young man with they eyepatch seemed odd, he didn't seem like the journalist type. He would have to be careful how he proceeded... Then he saw it, something was on the far side of the room, he could barely make it out... but it looked like... a Mismagius? With a data stick? Something was definitely not right, he brought out his Pokeball once more. [color=7ea7d8]"Rhyperior! Let's Go!"[/color] Maple yelled as he brought out his massive Rock/Ground type partner. [color=7ea7d8]"Alright, I wanna know right now who owns that Mismagius over there!"[/color] [color=9850E0]"Huh?"[/color] Sonya blinked a few times heavily confused. After that she started to look around for the mentioned pokemon. [color=9850E0]"Um, professor...What Mismagius?"[/color] Sonya was so confused by the sudden and abrupt change in the professor's attitude, and quite frankly she was disappointed because she now had to go somewhere else to get the information she needed. Sapphire was staring directly at a blank spot in the room. It appeared nothing was there but her budding psychic prowess allowed her to see the outline of a Mismagius, she shivered a little as she brought it to Alfreds attention. "Its" she began tugging at his trouser "There". She said inside of his mind as she pointed in the general vicinity of the Mismagius. "So one of us wants a floating usb stick, Honestly people can't you just ask?" Alfred said as he turned to face the only person in the room whom had the possibilty to be the guy who owned the Mismagius. "Sup Vaahn, how you doing buddy?" Alfred said to him, curious about why he was doing this. Vaahn chuckled slightly as the Professor mentioned Twix's friendlyness but then right after that was slightly confused as the Professor ran off to do something with a lab aid. However when the Professor came back... [color=steelblue]"A Ghost pokémon? here?... how exciting... ooh wow... that's a well Good looking Rhyperior..."[/color] He said as he eagerly started taking notes about the situation, he even got so into it he had to pull out his camera and take a few photos inside. However his attention turned to the others when the Professor demanded that one of them were the one owning it. However, Ishaala wasn't very pleased with the sudden spot light turned to her, or just about at least as it seemed her stealth attempt was busted. She smirked slightly however as she quickly threw a bunch of stuff around the room with her psychic ability and then simply melded through a wall and escaped in quite a hurry. Vaahn ducked as a pot flew his way and crashed into the wall nearby, and then as he was about to get up he fell to the floor as Twix suddenly pounced on him from being scared. [color=steelblue]"Owch... Twix... calm down... I'm not made out of concrete or pillows you know..."[/color] He said as he reached out a hand to pat the pokémon while stuffing the usb stick away with a slight of hand into one of his sleeves. Convenient... or not, but he got up with the Sylveon in his arms even if the pokémon was quite huge and heavy. [color=steelblue]"... Sorry... Twix don't really like ghost types that much... but what could it want?... is it just a prank... or did it come here with some kind of intention?"[/color] He mumbled as he patted his Sylveon before looking to Alfred. [color=steelblue]"Hmm?... did you say something?... Sorry... I got a bit distracted by Twix here... "[/color] He said before looking around the room. [color=steelblue]"Wow... this probably could make a good headline... Ghost's In Proffessor Maple's lab!... during daytime no less"[/color] He said as he hummed to himself as he imagined the headline in his head. As a few things still flew in their direction, Rhyperior grabbed a chair from running into Maple and the two trainers with him. A few books bounced off of his rock solid defenses, and finally fell to the floor. Maple looked around the room, and sighed, having lost sight of the Mismagius. At that point a few guards and at least half the dig team came running in hearing the commotion, among them a man who looked like an older Brent. [color=f7976a]"Edward! Are you okay? What happened in here?"[/color] Said the man with utmost concern. [color=7ea7d8]"Yes, I'm fine Leon. Rhyperior, go check around outside for that blasted thing, then meet me out back when you hear the car horn."[/color] The Rhyperior nodded and headed out past the dig team, having to take the back loading dock to get out. After that, Maple and the others looked around at the mess made by the odd Ghost Type. [color=7ea7d8][i]What could that Mismagius have wanted with our data? And if it got any, where could that USB have gone?[/i] I'm so sorry all this happened, but anyways, I have a ruin to explore, I'll have one of my aides clean up this mess later. Safe travels everyone!"[/color] Maple waved at the group of three, then waved on his own group. The dig team followed him out, while the guard remained at the door now. After watching the professor and his team head out Sonya couldn't help but frown. Out of confusion, but even more so out of annoyance. Not only did she have to through all this extra drama, she [i]still[/i] hadn't got anything out of any of this commotion other than a slight panic from everything flying. Clearly the work of Psychic, but with no finese, no flare, no style what so ever. It was pitiful! The nerve of some people and their pokemon! How insulting. [color=9850E0]"Well now that that's out of the way let's go. Apparently I have to find a pokecenter, but we might as well do that in the next town..."[/color] The irritation in her voice was very, [i]very[/i] clear. So with that she turned to leave. Alfred shrugged guess Vaahn wasn't with the Mismagius. Even Sapphire hadn't seen where the USB stick had went. Lock knew but he couldn't see how this endangered anyone to bother telling. neither the less Alfred saw Sonya wanting to leave, so he just put his arms behind his head let out a sigh as his pokemon started trailing behind him as he follow Sonya out. Vaahn looked to his two new travelling companions before letting his Sylveon down. [color=steelblue]"...Well... I guess its time to go then...."[/color] he said as he shrugged. He turned away from there and left with the others. He glanced around briefly as [color=brown]Twix[/color] picked up the pokéball in the bushes and ran up behind him with it. He stuffed it away and continued following the others. [color=steelblue]"Well... I must say that, this was quite an interesting experience..."[/color] he mumbled to himself, the others seemed a bit busy as usual causing him to sigh... but at least they got things done rather quickly... Maple honked the horn as the truck turned onto the main street, causing Rhyperior to trot over to the truck as instructed. [color=7ea7d8]"No sign of that phantom?"[/color] Asked Maple to his faithful partner. In reply, Rhyperior simply shook his head no. Maple sighed, and returned the behemoth to his Pokeball. [color=7ea7d8]"Don't worry, we'll figure out who's behind this. For now, the ruins await us. Leon, step on the gas, we're late as is!"[/color] The truck sped off out of New Amber Town, heading towards the western part of Viore, to explore yet another of Viore's lost world.