[@supertinyking][@Teoinsanity][@Wraithblade6] Kisaki wasn't one to be intimidated, and he met Saeid's glance calmly. They were both tall figures, and as they stood eye to eye their similarity painted a rather odd picture. Even as his talking sword advised him, Kisaki calmly weighed the situation. "If you think you can defeat me, you're less intelligent than I believed you to be." Of course, the threat hadn't been a genuine one. This man was angry, but he wasn't stupid. He had come here seeking protection, and as such he clearly believed the threat facing him to be sufficiently large to threaten his life. Therefore he wouldn't enter any combat unless absolutely necessary, knowing that it would make him vulnerable to a third-party attack. "Next time you threaten me, make sure you're prepared for a fight. I don't take to threats kindly, especially when they're coming from those supposedly asking for my assistance." Kisaki gave it a moment, unsure of whether the stranger would attack him or succumb to his own common sense. Should Saeid make an offensive move, he was more than ready to respond in kind. Of course, this standoff was interrupted by the appearance of a stranger. As a man not unexperienced with ambushes, Kisaki was well aware of the real mage's presence as the clone approached. The stranger was apparently capable of creating clones, or illusions. A dangerous opponent. Kisaki considered whether this was one of the bounty hunters he apparently needed to look out for. However at least for the moment he made no hostile move, and didn't indicate to be anything but another stranger asking for help. He must be standing on some kind of interdimensional crossroads, because the weirdos were coming out of the woodwork. "This is Tartaros, the underground world of the Dwarves and Dark Elves." He answered the man's question, ignoring his odd appearance. After all, he had a demon arm.