"My people may be thieves and savages, but our faith is more real than the Gods your kin choose to follow." He commented, his lips tugging into a smirk that seemed to amuse him more than it would most people. The Second East, the people of Espoura and beyond, did carry the barbaric and wild stereotype from their kingdoms of merchants, slavers, warriors, murderers and self proclaimed kings. Yet what did those who had never traveled truly know? Rhoynar walked Illinfer to the stables before letting his eyes look up the full height of his fount. Twisting spires decorated in white stone, banners flowing in the window, each made of Opus cloth spun from sheep that lingered high in the hills far to the North East, spun for days by monks dedicated to the study of Espoura and the land beyond. He trailed down to the gardens and to the doors inside his home. Things would be different if his brother had remained in their world instead of surpassing into the next; the man would spout a far wisdom or give the grand advice his own little brother had been so keen to find but too blind to see for himself. The Knight stepped into the cool shade of the towers before engaging in his own preparation. Sword; spear; clothes; coins. His hands quickly filled the brown leather pack whilst his mind began to hum over each detail he had of the item he'd been charged to find. His thoughts ticked loudly enough for him to fail to notice the door open. In the dimmed light passing through his own curtained windows stood the aging woman he called- "[i]Mother.[/i]" The figure moved closer, taking the moment to hold her son close. Her arms clenched around him tightly as if too afraid to let go. "[i]I'll come back to you safe, I swear.[/i]" Yet still she clung, a soft sob passing her lips. Rhoynar stepped back and lowered himself to her height. "[i]I will be safe. I'll return before the winter comes.[/i]" He smiled as he took her hands into his own. "Your mother worries. We all do. It's not everyday you're disappearing off into the deserts looking for a lost treasure for a Lord strong enough to topple the crown." His father spoke, shattering the small silence he had shared not moments ago. "No, but whether I find it or not, I will be here before winter comes." The man kept his expression unchanged, coming near to comfort his wife. "Take care out there. The deserts chase the sea even now." "I will, I'll stick to the trade routes, ensure we keep to the roads." He turned and scooped his pack from his bed; the soft silk and pillows stuffed with goose down- he'd miss the comfort. "Father, I will need to speak with you before I leave." He added after taking several steps towards the door. Rhoynar spoke of his charge, the item he had been paid to locate, his previous nights dream and the rumour he'd heard the noon before. They conversed in hushed tones until Illinfer appeared in their midst once again. "Father, Illinfer Blacksmith." He added, feeling best to introduce the companion he'd already spoken about. He offered his hand to Tor, shaking it firmly as soon as their palms touched. "So long as my family are kept safe, I am willing to pay double the price you would usually request. No matter what befalls of this city, you must ensure they are kept from harm." He spoke, his voice once again cool and warped with authority.