[h3] [color=f49ac2]Zoey [/color][/h3] Zoey had been the happiest girl alive when Kylie bought her the dress she was wearing. Either because she had a burning desire to impress and stand out amognst the other girls at her school, or because she was high for the first time, or a nice mixture of both. Either way, Zoey was happy with her sister. At first is seemed a little too revealing, but after looking in the mirror of the changing room for a little longer she decided it was just what she needed. Along with her new short, tight dress that revealed way too much, she also bought some shorts and some other clothes and perfumes with the money that Kylie had gave her. There was no trace of that money now apart from the last $10 in the bottom of her bag. Walking out of the store she held these in a bag that she carried on her right arm. As they left the shop they all went too the food court, Zoey was hungry and on top of that she had a small case of the muchies, something that she wasnt expecting to get when she was high. She followed her sisters down there, walking along with Olivia just behind their older sister Kylie. Today had been an amazing day so far, and it could only get better from here. How very wrong she was. While Kylie went large in the food department, Zoey was much more satisfied with something less. She had a salad with a couple of small chicken strips. Zoey wasnt a big girl at all, she was far from it. She was quite thin and allways wanted to stay that way. When she was younger she had allways had a fast metabolism and she definately made the most of it. She used to gorge on food from the cupboards, potato chips, any kind of chocolate she could find. Despite hardly ever putting on weight from doing this she started watching what she was eating by the time she was as old as Olivia and in the two years following ate much less than other girls did at her age, all thanks to her destroyed self confidence. Zoey looked up and opened her mouth to speak but stopped, as she saw Kylie looking off to the fountain with a less than happy expression. She followed the girls gaze and she saw Riley. Zoey gulped, looking at Kylie and Olivia as she tried to think of what to do. Before she could, Kylie got up and stormed off. [color=f49ac2]"Kylie! What are you doing?!"[/color] The shit-show that commenced was far better, or worse, than Zoey had ever imagined. It depends on which way you look at it. On one hand, Kylie had just gone up to Riley and thrown all of her food over him, and that was funny as hell. Riley's face when the drink spalshed all over him was priceless and made Zoey giggle quietly. Looking at it from a glass half empty veiw though, Kylie had just let him know where they all were, that they werent in school (if he didnt know already) and got herself in even more trouble. She watched the spat that commenced as an argument erupted just as most other people who were in the food hall and around the fountain area. God, what an awful family they must come across as. Zoey sat and watched from afar with Olivia before they were approached by Riley. She shook her head after her spoke; [color=007236]'Do you have sweaters or anything? I'd give you mine... but...'[/color] Zoey quickly shook her head. She didnt have a sweater, and even if she did she wouldnt change into it. She didnt want too.[color=f49ac2] "No". [/color]She replied simply, just before the man walked over. God, another adult thinking he can control them? Why werent more people as laid back as Kylie? Just as she was about to timidly say something, he showed his badge. Her face immediately turned blue. She turned to Olivia, looked her dead in the eyes and whispered.[color=f49ac2] "We have to go now. I dont want to get arrested! I'm going with Kylie".[/color] She said, about to walk away. She took a couple of steps and stopped, turning around to her sister again. She felt bad. [color=f49ac2]"Please come. I really dont want you to get in trouble. I really, really dont!".[/color] She whispered again, looking at Olivia and pulling her in Kylies direction for a second before she quickly left herself as the policeman spoke too Riley. She ran up to Kiley, tapping her on the side, hoping she was a bit calmer now.[color=f49ac2] "Kylie, can we go?" [/color]She asked quietly, looking up at her and ignoring the others.