[quote=@Pascal][b]Name/Sex/Age[/b] Rhys / Female*/ 24 [/quote] Interesting. [color=green]Accepted.[/color] Go ahead and post it over in the characters section. [quote=@Shorticus] Okay, so I know that the exact year is unknown to everyone now. Have any of the realms made up their own calendar to compensate? And is the weather like that of modern new England, or is it very different thanks to nuclear warfare changing everything? (I'm assuming nukes brought about the end.) [/quote] The 365-day calendar is most likely still a thing, if by simple oral tradition more than anything else. Years are trickier, and not necessarily constant -- realms might have their dates set to display the amount of time since a king began to rule, so an event that began two years ago when the king's been reigning for five would be "In the third year of the rule of King Examplius . . ." Scholars would have the unenviable job of trying to mesh these different dates together to try to form a coherent history. As far as weather goes, the climate is not particularly different -- a bit warmer, a bit more arid, a bit less fertile, but not drastically changed. My lips are sealed on the possibility that the apocalypse was or was not brought about by nuclear holocaust.