Used one post for simplicity. ^-^ Made 3 lists which should help everyone I hope. [h2][u]Locations List[/u][/h2] Currently where everyone is, both on the ship and the planet. [b][h3]Ship[/h3][/b] [list] [*]Hangar [indent][/indent] [*]Bridge [indent]Mirage[/indent] [*]Engineering [*]MedBay [*]Life support [*]Quarters [*]Kitchen/Communal area [*]Messing around the DAMN ship inners!!! [/list] [b][h3]Planet[/h3][/b] Name: Omega [list] [*]Location 1: [list][*][/list] [*]Location 2: [list][*][/list] [*]Location 3: [list][*][/list] [*]Location 4: [list][*][/list] [/list] [u][b][h2]Mission Teams[/h2][/b][/u] Who's on what team and their goals within the over all job. [indent]Job Location: Mining Station within Omega[/indent] [list] [*]Borealis: Communications and Temporary Leave of Absence [list][*]Mirage [*]Tia[/list] [*]Team 1: Recon (scouting and Watch tower) [list] [*]Hazan [*]Drono [/list] [*]Team 2: Assault (combative raid party) [list] [u]Group 1[/u] [*]Vellios [*]Kasyura [*]Vallis [u]Group 2[/u] [*]Marco [*]Duuka [u]Held back[/u] [*]Dex (?) [*]Alex (?) [/list] [*]Team 3: Escape/Support (those responsible for obtaining, keeping transport, and supporting raid party) [list] [*]Serena [*]Tanya [*]Tonka (watch tower) [*]Iosif [/list] [*]Team 4: None [list][*][/list] [/list]