[center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/1a79/i/2011/107/5/5/sci_fi__flag_of_atlantaea_by_leovinas-d3e7y95.png [/img][/center] [center][b][color=purple]Zellonian Empire 1917[/color][/b][/center] In the capital of Zellonia where the war had remained outside its borders, however the king has been pressured, not only by ambassadors but also his own advisors. Some say to join Survaek and take what is yours from soroya and how easy of a target the The Commonwealth of Ostružnica. Yet others say join Soroya and turn the tide of the war no longer could any nation question Zellonia’s might. It already had a sizable industry and her navy which comprised of 6 Dreadnoughts, 2 Battlecruisers, 10 Heavy Cruisers, 22 Light Cruisers, 39 Destroyers and 16 Submarines. The king ordered them all away and headed to his estate in the country with his family. There he spoke to them as equals “I believe it is a time for us to make a choice and join this war. Other nations already see us as weak when we join the winning side they could no longer say that. Us joining would be the turning point or the final blow depending on who we help. But before I do this, I want us all in agreement on who to support.” After several hours they had finally come to a decision. He ordered his admirals and Generals to begin writing invasion plans. He informed his advisors to begin drafting the declarations of war. Two weeks later he returned to the capital and they had begun the war. On March 16th in 1917 the empire of Zellonia was at war with the Grand Union and sided with the Internationalists. The Grand fleet set out to The Commonwealth of Ostružnica where the invasion would begin.