Olivia didn’t know what to do as she watched the very angry Kylie walk off towards Riley. She leaned over the table and grabbed the bag with her clothes in it, ready for her brother to take her home. When Kylie tossed her food onto Riley, Olivia stared wide eyed at them, and then looked back at Zoey who seemed to be enjoying this whole fiasco. Olivia dropped the bag onto the table, and grabbed the pile of napkins. She stood up as Riley came over to the table, and began dabbing the napkin on his shirt. Then she peeled a pickle off his sleeve, but her attempts at cleaning him up where basically pointless as he was drenched in orange pop, and burger mess. She didn’t say anything, as the stress, embarrassment, guilt, and turmoil flared inside of her. When Riley mentioned a sweater, she just nodded silently, took her old sweater out of the bag, and pulled it on over the skanky outfit Kylie had chosen for her. She was holding her tears in rather well until the man showed up with a police badge and Zoey abandoned her to run off with Kylie. Olivia was not going to just leave Riley here, when she was the one that called him for help in the first place. All of this was her fault, and that just made her feel worse. A tear escaped her eye and then she just let it flow. [color=A9D0F5]“I’m sorry…everythinggg i-is all mm-my fault.”[/color] She stuttered as she cried with tears pouring down her face. She hugged Riley and cried into his chest, trying to limit her public melt down. [color=A9D0F5]“I a-am sooo s-sorry…”[/color] She mumbled into Riley’s wet shirt. She leaned up and looked at his face; everything was blurry through her tears. [color=A9D0F5]“I just want mom, and dad.”[/color] Olivia said to him. She was trying to calm down, but thinking of her parents just made matters worse.