[quote=@knighthawk] No gender assumptions, but are you familiar with she-hulk? She never had any loss of self when she gained the super-human power set and was still able to fully defend her clients as a completly compitent lawyer that even put matt murdoch on his ass in the courts. [/quote] Yeah, but Agents of SMASH, which is where I'm getting my ideas for hulk, basically showcased that her, grey, blue, and red hulks were at best a 6 compared to green hulk's 10. That being said outside of fights they had some nice team dynamics, though most of she hulk's funny moments were from what I remember Tony trying to hit on her or something. xD Though seeing hulk as the straight man was... weird. Now if she hulk there could fight on par with hulk WITHOUT weapons, then that would be different. lol I think I'm just super bitter still about watching that superman vs goku death battle thing. xD I HATE superman. xD