[sub]collab with [@karamonnom] and [@sakurasan][/sub] Nathan’s eyes were drifting away from the professor and towards the door which he always did when he is waiting or maybe even yearning for class to end. He was surprised to see Ami outside his class. [color=firebrick][i] “What is she doing here?”[/i][/color] he wondered. She apparently was mouthing something to him. [color=pink] “Are. You. Nearly. Done. With. Class?”[/color] [color=firebrick] “Five. More. Minutes.”[/color] he mouthed back in a similar manner that she had. He glanced back at the clock just to make sure. Yup, class was indeed almost over. He slowly turned back to face Ami. [color=firebrick]”What’s. Up?”[/color] ~ Ami was glad that she had succeeded in grabbing his attention, putting up an “OK” sign with her right hand. She could easily read people’s lips and quickly replied, [color=pink] “Hungry. Wanna. Go. Eat?”[/color] She was starved, surprised that her stomach wasn’t growling in anger. Having not eaten breakfast yet. She then saw someone staring at her from the side, also not inside of a class and gave them a quick wave accompanied by a smile before she turned back to Nathan. ~ She was hungry? He thought about it for a moment. He did have statistic class later today, but he still had two hours before then. He could probably grab something to eat with some time to spare. Plus it gave him the chance to get to know Ami better. [color=firebrick] “Sound’s. Good.”[/color] he mouthed back. He tried to refocus his attention back to the lecture. This was usually the time when his professor will be telling them what they had to do for homework. [color=gray] “...read pages 105-120 tonight and complete questions 1-8. Class dismissed.”[/color] Nathan quickly packed up his stuff and met up with Ami outside. [color=firebrick] “Hey Ami. How did you find me?”[/color] he asked cheerfully. [color=firebrick] “Anything you wanted to eat in particular for lunch?”[/color] ~ Ami waited around for a while, speaking to familiar faces. Particularly a guy that she had seen at least 10 times since she moved there. She waved at him and said her goodbyes once Nathan’s class was dismissed, turning to him.Whoo, how many people have I spoken to? [color=pink]”Hello~ Haha, just exploring. I still haven’t been to a lot of places in this building yet. Even if it isn’t that large.[/color] she said, loosening her grip on her suitcase.[color=pink] “Hmmm…. I have no idea.. What’s good around here? I’ll just leave it up to you!”[/color] She smiled brightly, glad that he was in a good mood. ~ [color=firebrick] “I hope you’re enjoying yourself here. You’ll get used to this place soon enough,”[/color] Nathan assured her. [color=firebrick] “And worse comes to worse, you can just ask for my help. Or Jame’s help, if he’s not too busy.”[/color] [color=firebrick] “Hm… we can go to Oasis Pizza. It’s nearby. Of course, only if you are okay with that.”[/color] ~ [color=pink]”Yep! I am, very much.[/color] Asking people for help… Sounds like a shameful thing to do but… I suppose it is common. [color=pink] “Thank you~ I’ll do that.[/color] I hope that James is doing better… He doesn’t seem very well at the moment. His facial expression last time wasn’t very suggestive but Ami could tell that he was having a rough time. Not that she would pry. She knew with experience that getting asked to help from a stranger isn’t a very enjoyable situation. [color=pink] “Oh, pizza? I haven’t had any in awhile. Sure!” The only time she ate pizza was when her father gave her some and that happened… rarely. However, she knew that her father loved it, a delicacy of his. He could always be seen eating pizza in the house. ~ [color=firebrick] “Great, I’ll lead the way then,”[/color] Nathan said. He guided her out of the building and off of the campus. It wasn’t too far away, and they arrived there in a few minutes. The place was already busy, filled with students who are trying to grab a quick bite before their next classes. As they waited to get situated, Nathan turned to Ami and asked,[color=firebrick] “So what kind of pizza do you like? I personally like Hawaiian.”[/color] ~ Walking into the building, she saw a lot of familiar faces. Ami still couldn’t comprehend how and when she had met all of these people. A guy came up to her and greeted her “Hey Ami, how are ya?” She spoke to him for a while until she caught him staring at her boobs for practically the entire short conversation. [color=pink] “Well, I’m starved so I have to go eat.”[/color] excusing herself from the conversation kindly. She hid her slight disgust as she turned back to Nathan. [color=pink] “Sorry about that~ I am personally a fan of just plain cheese pizza. Haha, quite boring.”[/color] She said jokingly, distracting herself from the thought of perverts. It’s not his fault anyways. My body, his mind. The greater one at fault was obviously herself. ~ Nathan had noticed that creepy guy staring at Ami’s boobs and was annoyed. Most guys at least had the decency to not make it that obvious that they were staring. He coughed awkwardly. The guy had already left, so it wasn’t a problem anymore. But it was still pretty awful. Ami didn’t seem to want to talk about it though. They were seated at a booth and both had ordered what they wanted. Nathan ordered a slice of Hawaiian with Coke. ~ After Ami had ordered the pizza, she looked around the pizza shop. She couldn't understand why guys weren't more discrete about their staring. Was it that rare to see a short girl with F-cups that were nearly a G? One guy literally had his girlfriend in front of him as he stared. Ami simple smiled at him and turned her attention back to Nathan. [color=pink] “I'll have to remember this location. Do you come here often?[/color] ~ Nathan wasn’t too surprised to see all the attention Ami was getting. Though it was still disturbing. Didn’t she mind? [color=firebrick] “Uh, yeah.. All the time. It’s just really convenient,”[/color] he said, though a bit distracted by his thoughts. He wasn’t sure if he should confront Ami about it though. He barely knew the girl, though if they tried anything stupid with her, he would definitely intervene. They continued with their small talk until their food had finally arrived. [color=firebrick] “Oh! Finally!” [/color] he exclaimed. [color=firebrick] “I’m starving!”[/color] He took a big bite of the hot pizza slice. [color=firebrick] “A-ah!... Thoo Hot!”[/color] he complained with his tongue out. Well, that wasn’t very smart of him. He quickly got a piece of ice from his drink to cool off his burnt tongue. [color=firebrick] “Ah… hthat’s bhetter.”[/color] ~ Ami lively smiled once the food came, clasping her hands together. [color=pink]”It look great~[/color] She was just about to take a bite before she saw Nathan struggling to eat the pizza without burning his tongue and laughed out loud, at least attempting to hide it a bit. After he calmed down, she smiled and did… Pretty much the exact same this as he had just demonstrated to be a bad choice. Her eyes went wide,[color=pink]”U-uwaa![/color] automatically putting the pizza down and drowning herself with water. [color=pink]...Well, that was smart.[/color] she said, laughing at herself. Ami did always have a way of finding stupid ways to be clumsy. She bit her tongue a bit, trying to get rid of the numbness. Ami blushed a bit, hiding her face as she looked down and blew on her pizza. ~ [color=firebrick] “Haha, we should be more careful,”[/color] Nathan chuckled as Ami made the same mistake as him. He blew on his pizza this time around, and let it cool sufficiently before taking a bite. [color=firebrick] “Mmm… I love the pizza here,”[/color] he said. [color=firebrick] “Are you enjoying your pizza, Ami?”[/color] ~ Ami nodded at this comment, something that she would most definitely need to do from now on. Taking a bit, she sank in her seat a bit. It tasted delicious, simply mouthwatering. She smiled and bounced in her seat a bit. A habit she picked up when she was younger but automatically stopped once she saw eyes staring at her you-know-what’s. [color=pink]”Mm-hmm! It tastes wonderful.”[/color] I guess I shouldn’t do that either from now on. Ami mentally sighed. It was quite frustrating to have to refrain from so many things. ~ [color=firebrick] “So tell me about yourself, Ami. What do you enjoy? What are your interests? If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would you bring with you?”[/color] Nathan asked, trying to start a casual conversation. Perhaps he was bombarding her with questions, but he was definitely curious about her. She was very different than most girls he has met and definitely a lot nicer than them. ~ As she was eating, she heard the questions. They were simple enough. [color=pink]”Hmm… I love to read and write. As well as coding, hacking, and writing computer programs. Hehe, the hacking this is a bit of a secret I suppose.[/color] She added teasingly, putting a finger up to her lips real quick to accompany a sweet smile before resuming. [color=pink] “My interests… That would be mostly writing and learning about new things. Desert. Ok, a journal, a pencil, and a really good book.[/color] She knew most people might put things to survive but honestly, stranded on a desert? She’d rather spend it enjoying herself with a good book and writing a few stories on her own. ~ [color=firebrick] “Coding, hacking, and writing computer programs make sense since you’re a computer science major,”[/color] Nathan replied. [color=firebrick] “But you also write? That’s really cool. Would you show me some things? I would love to read them.”[/color] Then he began to answer the questions himself. [color=firebrick] “My interests include sports especially basketball. I like to follow the players’ stats as well and do fantasy leagues. I don’t think you would care too much about it though.”[/color] [color=firebrick] “Hm… I guess if I was stuck on a deserted island, I would have to bring James so he suffers along side me. Maybe it’ll even be like a vacation for him, haha. I guess I would bring a cute girl. It would be very lame if I was only on an island with James. And… hm… maybe a fishing pole. At least we can eat something out there.”[/color] [color=firebrick] “Your turn to ask questions,”[/color] he grinned. ~ She gulped at the mention of reading her stories. Ami already knew what people thought of her stories. “Simply brilliant. This writer truly has a dreadful and savage past. However, with that, she was able to write some of the best murder and psychological stories that I have ever read and for that, I applause her greatly. I do hope that she will continue to write on, using that as her drive to push forward.” That was just a comment on what she had considered to be one of her least gruesome stories. [color=pink] “Haha, maybe another time.”[/color] she said, glad that he changed to topic to himself. [color=pink] “I’ve never heard of fantasy leagues but if you’re willing I would love to learn about it. I am honestly a bit of a fan of sports. Though that is only baseball and some football.”[/color] By fan, she meant that her father was obsessed with it and she had studied up on it, hoping that one day she would be able to speak about it along with him. My turn…? She thought about it for a while. Honestly, she was a kind soul but if she was given the choice, learning about others is simply something that came natural for her. She never actually knew what to ask people about themselves. [color=pink] “Ah, then… Hmmm… Do you live nearby the school? And umm… What’s your favorite kind of sweets?”[/color] ~ [color=firebrick] “I live in one of the apartments at Millcreek Hollow. So it’s not too bad,”[/color] he answered simply. It wasn’t a very luxurious place and no way a home that he could brag about, but it was a home that he could afford. He didn’t like to ask his parents for help with rent so that was that. [color=firebrick]”I like fruit tarts. I guess that’s kind of a girly answer but my mom used to make the best fruit tarts for my family. Maybe I should bring some to you the next time she makes some. Only if you want, of course.”[/color] ~ Ami smiled, realizing that he lived extremely close by. [color=pink] “Really?? I live in one of those apartments as well! My roommates are Axel and Anthony. They seem really sweet. Maybe you know them?[/color] The mention of fruit tarts brought a small smile to her lips. They were a delicacy and her mother always enjoyed eating them. [color=pink]”That would be delightful.”[/color] smiling kindly with her eyes half closed. ~ [color=firebrick] “Vaguely,”[/color] Nathan admitted, trying to conceal his dismay. How could this sweet, innocent girl be staying with two older guys? He also didn’t know his neighbors well enough to trust them. Maybe it was time to properly introduce himself. Just in case. [color=firebrick] “Well it’s nice to know that you live so nearby. If you ever need anything, you can find me in apartment 2A. My door is always open for you.”[/color] He had finished up his pizza and asked for the check. [color=firebrick] “Today can be my treat,”[/color] he said as he pulled out his wallet. ~ Ami noticed his look of concern. Or maybe it was disgust? However, she looked passed it since he seemed to be fine after all. [color=pink] “Thank you.”[/color] Once the check came, she noticed that he wanted to pay and automatically brought her hand up. [color=pink] “N-no! It’s ok! You don’t need to do such a thing. Bringing me here was enough.[/color] Letting people pay for her was something that she most definitely did [i]not[/i] like to do. They might want it back later, and if that happened, they always came with more to take. She remembered her mother being “punished” for taking a man’s money. Not that she thought Nathan was the same… it’s just something that would result in her losing her sanity. Ami clumsily got out her wallet quickly, pulling a baby pink wallet out that was decorated with a few polka dots. Once she opened it, around 5 hundred bills came pouring out and her eyes opened wide, automatically shoving it back inside and pulling out a 20 dollar bill. They were her recent pay check for a book that she had just finished. Not the full amount but some of it. She nervously chuckled, hoping he wouldn’t wonder where she had gotten it. [color=pink] “R-really… It’s fine but I thank you for the thought.”[/color] she smiled at him as she put her wallet to the side. ~ Nathan’s eyes widened at the sight of hundred bills in Ami’s wallet. He couldn’t help but wonder why she has so much money on her. [color=firebrick]”Uh… okay. We’ll split the check then,”[/color] he said, still a bit dazed. He gave her two fives that should cover for about his half of the bill and placed her twenty onto the tray. After the server collected their money and gave back their change, Nathan left a couple ones as tip. [color=firebrick] “Do you still have any classes that you need to attend today?”[/color] he asked after checking his phone for the time. He had about thirty minutes left to get on campus. ~ She was glad that he had decided to just split the bill. She thought about her schedule and recalled that she had [color=pink] “No, I just wanted to get more of a feel of the school along with checking out the library." [/color] Then, she looked over to the side of the table and realized that she still had her suitcase with her… after all this time. [color=pink] “I need to put this stuff in Anthony’s car!"[/color] God, she nearly forgot and that would have meant walking around with a suitcase all day. Ami stood up, grabbing her suitcase and waiting for him to get up as well. They might as well head over there together. ~ Nathan got up as well and the duo made their way back to the university. When they arrived, Nathan realized that he might be late if he didn’t start rushing. [color=firebrick] “Sorry I have to go but it was fun having lunch with you. Catch you later!”[/color] With that, he rushed over to his stats class. [hr] Ami waved goodbye as she headed over to the parking lot. Looking for his car and struggling greatly. She continued to click to alarm, mentally apologizing to anyone that was around and had to listen to the annoying noise. Finally, she found it and made her way over to it. Taking out practically everything from the suitcase and simply putting most of her clothes inside of the backseat. She would have to hang it up later. Everything else was shoved into a large duffle bag as she locked the car back, double checking afterwards. Heading back inside of the building, she went straight to the library, spotting Anthony and walking up to him. [color=pink]”Thank you. I’ll be around… Maybe just go to the… I’ll just wait until you’re done to get the keys to the place I suppose. ”[/color] Handing him the keys as she smiled and waved goodbye. Soon, she came upon the cherry blossom park as she was walking around the neighborhood. A beautiful place that was filled with young people chatting and some having picnics. Ami laid out a blanket under a tree, finding a location that surprisingly had no one around. It was a vacant area, like a hidden gem. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep once again. She really did need to go to sleep earlier from now on.