[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/OazNv9k.png[/img] [color=00BFFF][b]Storm's King; The First Gale; The Embodiment of Change Level 2 God of Change (Air)[/b] 0 Might & 1 Free Point[/color][/center] Through the empty, polished hallways and turrets of his acropolis did Zephyrion race, enjoying the freedom of the drafty and spacious halls with the countless windows and terraces. Even with Teknall for company the place felt somewhat...lifeless. It was far too large and far too vacant; after the initial rush of excitement and novelty began to dimmer, Zephyrion found himself feeling rather lonely. That was no matter; size was relative to gods. The First Gale reached out and expanded his airy form to fill up the space within the citadel, becoming one with the every last breath of air within its splendid halls. With mild interest he had watched as Vulamera took the shards of chaos and disarray that drifted about in orbit around Galbar and shaped them into one great body, and then sundered it into many smaller ones. [i]'Well, look at my dim-witted fool of a sister. She takes after me, bringing about such beauty and Change! And look at those many moons, each one a marvel in its own right, a jewel in the skies almost so superb as mine! Perhaps she grows closer to redemption,'[/i] the Storm's King mused to himself. It was then that Ilunabar made an appearance, complimenting Teknall on his craftsmanship or something of the sort. She was welcome company. In a sudden blast of air, Zephyrion had rocketed to where the two stood in the citadel. for ease of conversation, he contracted his shapeless form manifested as a small vortex. [b][color=Gold]"Ah, Ilunabar! We have not become so acquainted as we should, so I might humbly implore that you stay. Welcome to my shining jewel in the sky! A beauty, is this palace not?"[/color][/b] he spoke as amicably as his tone allowed, the words still whipping rather harshly from within the churning mass of air that was his form. Despite all friendliness, he was nearly demanding that Ilunabar declare the Celestial Citadel beautiful; such an affirmation from the Goddess of Beauty would legitimize the palace's splendor and solidify it fast against any doubt in the god's ever changing mind. A moment after, he heard Vulamera. His interest was piqued when he heard her calling out to the world, offering up the moons as gifts to the various gods, one by one. Zephyrion eagerly waited in anticipation to see which would be his! [i]Her gift never came.[/i] Words could not describe his rage and jealousy; down below, the air itself seemed to roil and a dire storm began to brew. He swept through the hallways and appeared atop one of the nearby gleaming spires of his alcazar. There he stayed, glaring long and harshly at the [i]hideous rocks[/i] that Vulamera had erected for the sole purpose of marring the view of the heavens, making his Sky the ridicule of all below. It would not stand! Teknall said something about leaving, no doubt for his new moon. Distractedly and half-heartedly, words whirled out from the storm, [b][color=Gold]"Faretheewell, brother! Like the wind on the plains, be ever welcome in this hall!"[/color][/b] He then returned to Ilunabar, the living sparks that were his eyes glowering and cackling rather wildly. [b][color=Gold]"Sister, look to the sky! See the wretched works of Vulamera, who I might name Foe? Such a disgrace. Those lifeless rocks are a blemish upon my pristine sky, something will have to be done..."[/color][/b] Suddenly aware that his ranting might be offputting, he changed the topic to happier things and in only a heartbeat his tone swung drastically to an upbeat cadence so as to better reflect this change. [b][color=Gold]"But enough of that; such machinations can wait! Let us not stare at the horrors above so hard that we lose sight of the beauty that lies below!"[/color][/b] It was then that Zephyrion sensed an odd presence in his vicinity. It would seem that he had yet another visitor; Jvan's eye had managed to lodge itself within the clouds and zephyrs that were the foundation of this citadel. He was not a poor host; he would bring her to a more comfortable position! As gently as he could, the Embodiment of Change willed the eye to be swept in a draft of rising wind. Suddenly, Jvan would find her eye placed gently atop a pagoda alongside Ilunabar and Zephyrion, the view of Galbar below perhaps even slightly better from atop these heights. [b][color=Gold]"I bid you welcome as well, Jvan! I do not recall speaking long with you, sister, so it is pleasing to finally have you in my presence."[/color][/b] Addressing both of them, he said, [b][color=Gold]"You have arrived at a good time; admire that vast, empty expanse below us: it is beautiful in its pristine simplicity and bleak harmony, yet still no more than a blank slate on which something better might be wrought. Even now as we speak, I prepare to chisel and carve that expanse into something more appealing. It shall be a fun exercise of power; look at how the winds already stir!"[/color][/b] That great churning storm below that had been summoned by Zephyrion's anger now moved in strange ways, sending great gales of air rocketing into space. They arced upwards, ever higher, pulled by both the magic of the Celestial Citadel's power and Zephyrion's utter command over the air. The great columns of air reached the peak of their arc, and began to array themselves into position. Zephyrion was going to [i]bathe[/i] Galbar's surface with blasts of compressed air so forceful that it would slice through stone and scatter soil hundreds of miles away. But he still lacked a certain inspiration. [b][color=Gold]"The two of you are goddesses of beauty, so might you care to help carry out this sacred action with me? To help guide my eroding winds, so that as a trio we paint a canvas far more beautiful than any one of us might individually hope to create? I offer you the chance to impress upon me your images of beauty that I might be inspired, to share your ideas of what form is most Ideal and Perfect..."[/color][/b] [hider=Summary] -Zephyrion continues to play around in his new palace, but remarks on how lonely it feels. -Happily, Ilunabar comes to visit. His loneliness is dispelled and he greets her. -He is at first awed and made happy by the sight of Vulamera's work. He expects her to donate a moon to him, being the Supreme Being that he is, and is naturally enraged when she doesn't. -Teknall leaves and Zephyrion bids him goodbye. -Now feeling that the moons are a hideous insult to him, he voices his thoughts on that to Ilunabar without thinking. -He senses Jvan's eye and brings it to rest near himself and Ilunabar, welcoming Jvan as well. -He now prepares to distract himself from his anger towards Vulamera and outdo her by carving something beautiful on Galbar. He offers Jvan and Ilunabar the chance to help him and give their input, thinking that a trio of two goddesses of beauty and then a being so grand as himself will surely make something to marvel at! Little does our intrepid Windy Art Connoisseur know how different Jvan and Ilunabar think about what 'beauty' is... [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] -1 FP is being used to erode Galbar and create whatever he creates. -0 Might and 0 FP will be left.[/hider]